• Learn to put yourself in an advantageous position over others.
    • Do not engage an enemy that is uphill.
    • Do not engage an enemy that is upstream.
  • Learn to hide your advantages 1. When strong, appear weak. When disciplined, appear disorderly. When courageous, appear fearful2. In doing so, the enemy is kept on the move. Conversely, scout the enemy for their advantages 3. Seek to surprise the enemy and undermine their plans.
  • Demoralize the enemy “Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting” 4. This can come through deception. intimidation or making them feel desperate 56. Learn to psychologically manipulate the enemy
    • Be mindful of desperation. Give the enemy some false hope. 7 Do not let the enemy realize that all hope is lost as this comes with the realization they will not have anything to lose.
    • Target something of value for the enemy 89. This may also rouse emotions from the enemy and cause them to make mistakes.
  • Use the sentiments of your subordinates to your advantage. Use hatred and negative emotions towards the enemy to your advantage10. Momentum is a powerful tool 1112 Conversely, keep a positive image by being in the “moral right”.
    • In desperate times, Use desperation to your advantage 13. Desperation can come subtly in your men prefer to advance and get harmed over having to retreat. 14.
  • Secure yourself. Seek an advantage yet keep in mind that unless the enemy is crushed, there is little room for complacency 15. Conversely, undermine the enemy’s defenses. Exploit mistakes made by the enemy 16.
  • Take the initiative to fight on your own terms . It is better to be the earliest and the most well-prepared than the one who is being rushed and on the defense 17. This also means luring an enemy away from positions of advantage 18
  • Avoid the strong and strike the weakest. In such a way, effort is more meaningful 19 and not drawn out. Conversely, secure the weakest points as much as possible, but concentrate on only the weakest points. Remember you only have limited resources.
    • Divide and Conquer. Break the enemy’s orderly structures. This will cause the enemy to panic 2021 and be much easier to pick off.
    • Attack while the enemy is distracted22. When starting a disruption, wait for the enemy to be fully disrupted before striking. Make sure that this disruption method will also not harm you, and prefer to do this disruption from outside.
  • Do not fall for traps As much as attacking the weakest point is beneficial, make sure you have a way out 23. This also includes the converse of preceding advice. Do not assume the enemy a fool.
  • Look for patterns 24. Often, patterns reveal something about the enemy. Conversely, make yourself unpredictable. Strike at places where the enemy has their guard down 25.
    • An enemy that seems to not be advancing might be scheming something 26
    • An enemy that is provocative is trying to get you to make mistakes 27
    • An enemy that seems too relaxed it is potentially a trap 28,
    • Indirectly scout for the enemy’s activity by looking at the effects of this activvity on the environment.
    • Conversely, become unpredictable, possibly through deceiving your own and changing your plans suddenly 29
  • Do not lose an advantage by being too greedy. Be surgical and do not expend wasted effort or rouse the enemy further 30.
  • Consider the natural advantages present in the environment itself. Conversely, realize how these may be used against you.



  1. 1.18

  2. 5.17

  3. 6.22

  4. 3.2

  5. 6.3

  6. 6.23

  7. 3.36

  8. 11.18

  9. 11.66

  10. 3.16

  11. 4.20

  12. 5.15

  13. 9.23

  14. 11.58

  15. 4.1

  16. 11.65

  17. 6.1

  18. 6.11

  19. 6.30

  20. 11.15

  21. 11.16

  22. 12.6 - 12.10

  23. 6.10

  24. 6.34

  25. 7.29

  26. 9.18

  27. 9.19

  28. 9.20

  29. 11.35 - 11.38

  30. 8.3