• The cortex of a cell is an active region beneath the plasma membrane.
    • It is responsible for ingesting extracellular materials, extension during cell movements and constriction duiring cell division.
  • Actin undergoes treadmilling where it is assembled on one end and disassembled on another end.


  • Thinner actin-based structures organized into branching networks.
    • Actin is responsible for extracellular and intracellular motile processes such as moving the cell around a medium or moving vesicles and performing phagocytosis.
    • Actin also plays a role in determining cell shape and provides structural support.
  • An actin filament is a two-stranded structure with two helical grooves running along its length
    • It has a barbed structure with a positive and a negative end. This arises because all the monomers within an actin filament are pointed in the same direction.
  • Actin is an ATPase so its assembly involves ADP. The assembly of the filament relies on the concentration of ATP and actin.
  • Has the motor protein myosin
    • These molecules tend to move towards the barbed end of an actin filament.
    • Conventional / Type II Myosins are the primary motors for muscle contraction but they are also used for splitting a cell during cell division, generating tension at focal adhesions, and cell migration.
      • Type II myosins tend to assemble so that the ends of their tails point towards the center of the filament and the globular heads point away.
      • This results in a bipolar filament which can pull actin filaments towards one another.
    • Unconventional Myosins are smaller and unable to assemble into filaments in vivo. They instead operate as individual protein molecules.
      • These myosins move in a hand-over-hand molecule similar to kinesins.
      • Myosin VI is unique in that it moves to the pointed end of an actin filament.

Actin-Binding Proteins

  • These proteins give the actin filament structure for a particular purpose.
  • They affect the localized assembly or disassembly of the actin filaments, their properties, and their interactions with one another.
  • Nucleating Proteins - responsible for speeding up the nucleation or formation of the actin filament.
    • Arp 2/3 - actin-related proteins that scaffolds the formation of actin, generating networks of branched actin filaments
    • Formins - generate unbranched filaments found in focal adhesions. They also promote rapid elongation of filaments.
    • Spire - binds multiple actin monomers to form an actin nucleus.
  • Monomer Sequestering Proteins - prevents the near complete polymerization of soluble actin monomers into filaments.
    • This regulates the concentration of actin depending on whether or not polymerization / depolymerization is favored.
    • Thymosins - prevents actin-ATP monomers from polymerizing.
  • Capping Proteins - regulates the length of actin filaments by forming a cap that blocks loss and gain of subunits.
  • Monomer-binding Proteins - allows for the polymerization of actin monomers into filaments.
    • Profilin - promotes the growth of actin filaments.
  • Depolymerization Proteins - These proteins allow depolymerization, allowing for dynamic changes in cytoskeletal structure
    • Cofilins - fragments actin filaments and promotes depolymerization at the pointed ends.
  • Cross-Linking Proteins - alters the 3D organization of actin filaments.
    • Examples: Filamins, Villins, Fimbrin
  • Filament-Severing Proteins - binds to the side of an existing filament and breaks it in two. They may either promote incorporation of actin monomers or cap the fragments they generate.
  • Membrane-Binding Proteins - Proteins that link the filaments to the plasma membrane by attaching to a plasma membrane indirectly. These control the contractile, expanding motion of the cell.
    • Examples: Vinculin, Ezrin, Radixin, Moesin, Spectrins.
