• - a ring with addition and multiplication
    • - sum of ring elements
    • - product of ring elements
  • - a generic ring.
  • - a generic ring element
  • - additive identity
  • - multiplicative identity
  • - additive inverse of
  • - times. Assuming . The context will be clear if we mean multiplication or addition of multiple summands

  • - a homomorphism
  • - kernel of homomorphism .
  • - is isomorphic to
  • - is a sub(ring / field / domain) of .
  • - order of a ring
  • - characteristic of a ring

  • - a generic field.
  • - is an extension field of ; is a subfield of .
  • - a generic integral domain
  • - the ring of quotients over the integral domain .
  • - partial ring of quotients for where is closed under multiplication and contains neither nor divisors of
  • - quotient over field of .
  • - the group ring / algebra over .
  • - the set (actually more precisely group) consisting of the units of .

  • - polynomial ring on with indeterminate
  • - polynomial ring on with indeterminates .
  • - the degree of a polynomial .
  • - the evaluation (homomorphism) at
  • - the algebraic variety of subset .
  • - the leading term of when is written in term order 1
  • - the power product of the leading term of
  • - the irreducible polynomial for over .
  • - the degree of over .
  • - The smallest extension field containing and .
  • - the degree of a finite extension over .
  • - the algebraic closure of in

  • - the factor ring of by
  • - sum of two ideals
  • - product of two ideals
  • - quotient of two ideals
  • - the principal ideal generated by
  • - ideal generated by .
  • - the radical of a ring based on

  • - the Galois Field of order .


  1. Term order pertains to an ordering where indeterminates are sorted in lexicographic order and each degree is increasing. i.e.