- Meursault’s “indifference” with others in favor of physical pleasures and sensations is not necessarily the same as cold-blooded heartlessness.
- Meursault at the end finds kinship with the Universe, for it too is indifferent. Yet, he can find meaning to live on in the face of inevitable death and repeat life all the same.
- Why did Meursault shoot the Arab? What does it say about the so called judges of society who try to ascribe this with some meaning to begin with?
- Others will always try to get the Self to conform to their rules and their levels of understanding. Such is one struggle of living in a society.
- If Meursault was executed because he was simply honest with himself, and if the Czechoslovakian was killed for lying, how then should we respond to Others?
- Meursault’s response is Absurdist indifference. To live life in a genuine, honest way up to the bitter end, regardless of what the Other says or how much they wish to impose their values onto him.
- Does Meursault deserve to be executed?
- Certainly, he gets executed but for the wrong reasons. He is executed for the burial of his mother, not for the murder of the Arab
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