• A Project of One’s Own
    • Have a project you want to work on and “own”. This has more value than projects you are told to do.
    • Your own projects are those you do voluntarily and which you work on yourself actively without being bogged down by bureaucracy.
    • Work-life balance is a misnomer. Work on something you want to take your life over.
    • Retain the child-like confidence to simply play around and explore.
  • Heresy
    • We live in an age where heresy still exists.. Heresy:
      • Takes priority over veracity
      • Outweighs everything else that the speaker has done.
      • Implicitly shuts down any further argument from the heretic.
      • It is an opinion whose expression is treated like a crime.
    • Even if a statement is x-ist, it is fallacious to think that it is true or false.
    • Heresy is rampant due to the aggressively conventional mobbing together under one ideology—one with arbitrary rules that imply superiority.
  • Is There Such a Thing as Good Taste?
    • Yes, there is such a thing as good taste otherwise there is no such thing as a good artist.
    • The “goodness” of an art should be evaluated in a vacuum based on how it evokes a response from its audience.
  • The Four Quadrants of Conformism
    • People can be passive or aggressive; conventional or independent-minded. Most are passively conventional minded.
    • Much of this stance towards conformism is based on ones’ personality.
    • Aggressive Conventional mindedness only serves to cause stagnation within society.
    • Society needs to be reminded of bad ideas from the independent-minded.
  • The Lesson to Unlearn
    • Learning to get good grades is the antithesis of actual learning.
    • The vast majority prioritize good grades because of how society has placed value on them.
    • School indirectly teaches you to miss the obvious and overthink because learning in school requires more mental gymnastics than actual learning.
