• Abandon - (yielding) at will / discretion
  • Abitur - to go away. to wish to leave (pertaining to an exam)
  • Abject - to throw away (as in because of poor quality)
  • Ablaut - (lit.) off-sound.
  • Abolish - away from growth / nourishment (to retard)
  • Acacia - thorny Egyptian tree.
  • Acanthus - thorny flower
  • Acrobat - one who tiptoes / climbs up high.
  • Actuary - (lit) a doing, pertaining to public businesses
  • Acuity - sharp like a needle
  • Acumen - sharp like a needle
  • Acute - sharp like a needle
  • Adagio - At leisure.
  • Adieu - “I commend you to God”
  • Adjacence - to throw at (in order to lay close to something)
  • Adjourn - to another day.
  • Adultery - (lit) to alter / corrupt.
  • Advent - Arrival (pertaining to the savior)
  • Adventure - to come to or to reach
  • Advice - “mi est visum” (in my view)
  • Advise - “mi est visum” (in my view)
  • Affable - (lit) who can be easily spoken to
  • Affection - to make do, as in to act on.
  • Agency - to incite to action , keep in movement
  • Agenda - things to be done
  • Aggravate - to weigh down or make heavy.
  • Agony - a struggle for victory. In general, any struggle or trial
  • Agree - to please (pleasing)
  • Ahimsa - Without injury


  • Alias - in another way
  • Alibi - somewhere else
  • Allegory - another assembly (agora)
  • Allele - another form
  • Allergy - another activity, pertaining to the immune system being hypersensitive to normally harmless substance
  • Alleviate - to lighten a burden
  • Alma Mater - (lit) nourishing Mother
  • Alone - All One; All by oneself
  • Altercation - to dispute with the other (as in to speak alternately)
  • Altruism - (lit) -ism of being of or for others
  • Alumnus - (lit) foster son
  • Ambassador- one who moves around (as in a diplomat)
  • Ambience - to go around
  • Ambition - a going around, especially to solicit votes (praise / flattery)
  • Ambulance - (lit) moving hospital
  • Amphictyonic - (lit) they that dwell round about.
  • Amphiscians - (lit) throwing a shadow both ways (as in inhabitants of the Tropics where the shadow is sometimes to the North and sometimes South)
  • Amphora - (lit) two handed bearer
  • Amputate - to cut around (as in to prune)
  • Anadiplosis - to be double backed on.
  • Anagnorisis - To recognize again
  • Anaphora - (lit) a carrying back. Pertaining to a reference
  • Anathema - (lit) a thing set up to the gods.
  • Ancillary -One who moves around (as in one who is subordinate or subservient)
  • Andante - suggestive of walking (as in to go slow)
  • Anecdote - to not give out / publish
  • Answer - Swear Against (as in sworn statement rebutting a change)
  • Antagonize - to struggle against.
  • Anticipate - (lit) to take into possession beforehand.
  • Antidote - given against (pertaining to a disease)
  • Antiphon - the voice in return (pertaining to being responsive)
  • Aorta - a strap to hang something (the heart) by.
  • Apagoge - to drive / lead away
  • Apanthropy - away from man


  • Apocalpyse - off cover (as in pertaining to uncover or reveal via a Revelation)
  • Apology - speech away from me (as in pertaining to an account or story said in one’s defense)
  • Apophasis - to speak away from (as in to deny)
  • Apostle - (lit) a person set forth
  • Apostrophe - (lit) to turn away from.
  • Apothecary - (lit) a place where things are put away.
  • Apotheosis - (lit) make into god
  • Aquifer - (lit) one who carries water
  • Arbalest - (lit) machine for throwing projectiles
  • Arsenic - gold colored
  • Artery - windpipe, pertaining to the observation of the ancients that they do not contain blood after death.
  • Artifact - a thing made by skill
  • Astrobleme - (lit) star wound.
  • Atoll - interior
  • Atone - To bring at one to reconcile, and thence to suffer the pains of whatever sacrifice is necessary to bring about a reconciliation
  • Atrabilious - (lit) black bile, pertaining to melancholy. Can also be rooted in “blackened by fire”
  • Atrocity - To see fire


  • Aura - cool air in motion.
  • Auriga - one who puts the reins of a horse in motion (a.k.a a charioteer)
  • Auspex - (lit.) To observe birds (as in pertaining to forecasting omens)
  • Auto da fe - act of faith
  • Avant Garde - Advance Guard
  • Avenue - to arrive
  • Avert - to turn away from
  • Award - to watch out
  • Awkward - in a back-handed direction.
  • Axiom - worthy / worth of like value.


  • Balance - of two pans (pertaining to a balancing scale)
  • Baleen - from swollen penis (pertaining to how whales are phallic shaped).
  • Ballista - to throw so as to be hit
  • Ballot - (hist.) pertains to small balls used as counters in secret voting.
  • Ball - (pertaining to a dance) (lit) to throw one’s body, jump around.
  • Baluchitherium - (lit) wild beat
  • Bandit - one who was proclaimed to be an outlaw
  • Banish - to proclaim an outlaw
  • Banlieue - area around a town wherein rules and proclamations were in force.
  • Ban - to speak publicly (pertaining to a proclamation or eviction)
  • Baritone - heavy tone
  • Barouche - of two wheels
  • Barrow - thing that carries
  • Bawd - short for “procurer of prostitutes”
  • Beacon - shining (signal)
  • Bead - to request via prayer.
  • Bear - (the animal) (lit) the brown animal.
  • Beckon - to shine (as in to signal)
  • Become - to obtain
  • Behave - self restraint
  • Behoof - that which binds. an obligation
  • Beleaguer - to camp around (in order to blockade or besiege)
  • Belemnite - dart-shaped object
  • Beluga - (lit.) white whale.
  • Beneficial - well doing, pertaining to a good deed
  • Benign - (lit) well born
  • Berserk - (lit) a warrior clothed in bearskin.
  • Betray - to hand over.
  • Betroth - “be true”. A thorough pledge
  • Between - among two things
  • Beware - to be on guard. to be aware
  • Bezel - (perhaps lit) a stone of two angles


  • Bid - to ask, request or command
  • Bifarious - that which can be expressed in two ways.
  • Birth - the process of bearing children
  • Biscuit - (lit) bread that is twice baked.
  • Bishop - (lit) one who watches over (in context pertains to the Church).
  • Bivouac - (lit) night guard


  • Bladder - something inflated (i.e., a blister)
  • Blame - to blaspheme but also to revile / reproach
  • Blancmange - (lit) white eating (as in pertaining to a dish)
  • Blase - (possibly) puffed up under the effects of drinking
  • Blasphemy - hurtful utterance (alternatively stupid utterance)
  • Blather - mutter, wag the tongue
  • Bleed - swell / gush out.
  • Bless- hallow with blood, mark with blood, pertaining to rituals and sacrifice
  • Bodhisattva - (lit) one whose essence is perfect knowledge
  • Bo tree - (lit) tree of wisdom or enlightenment
  • Boulder - (possibly) roaring stone, pertaining to where they form. Alternatively, “swollen stone”.


  • Breeches - fragment forked or split
  • Bulwark - a construction of logs (lit. wood work).
  • Buoy - to shine (as in to signal)
  • Burden - that which is borne
  • But - near without (as in pertaining to something outside or an exception)
  • Cable - something that takes or seizes (as in rope).
  • Cacciatore - (lit) hunter


  • Cache - (lit) to collect together
  • Cacophony - evil sound
  • Capable - holding enough.
  • Capacity - ability to hold much
  • Capiche - grasp ( as in: do you grasp / understand? )
  • Caption - a catching or holding. historically pertains to documents involving seizure, and was placed at the beginning of a document.
  • Captivate - something able to capture someone.
  • Captive - someone held
  • Carnival - (lit) raising flesh. Pertaining to merrymaking before Lent. Also pertains to a folk saying “Flesh, Farewell”
  • Carol - (perhaps) a dance to the flute.
  • Case - (as in a box) something for holding
  • Castigate - (lit) to purify by driving away (evil)
  • Cater - one who acquires provisions / food.
  • Catheter - a tool to send down
  • Cauliflower - (lit) cabbage flower
  • Caviar - pertaining to eggs
  • Cenobite - common life.


  • Chafe - to make warm.
  • Charisma - favor or divine gift. To be rejoiced at.
  • Chase - to seize or attempt to take hold of.
  • Chauffer - (lit) stroker. One who operates a steam engine by heating it up.
  • Chlorine - pale green
  • Cholera - gall or bile. (hist) was attributed to be the cause of melancholy via the Four Humors
  • Cholesterol - still bile (hist) originally found in gall stones
  • Chord - (structure in animals resembling a string) Gut-string.
  • Chorus - a dance in a circle, or pertaining to an enclosed dancing floor, or pertaining to rejoicing.
  • Chrestomathy - (lit) useful learning.
  • Circadian - round about the day


  • Clairvoyant - (lit.) clear seeing.
  • Coalesce - (lit) grow together.
  • Cockney - cock’s egg, derisively used for town dweller.
  • Coelacanth - hollow spine.
  • Cognate - born together
  • Cohort - enclosed group.
  • Coitus - to go together (sexually).
  • Commence - (lit) a going in. To go into.
  • Conceive - to take in and hold / to become pregnant
  • Condiment - something put together with something else.
  • Condone - to give as a gift.
  • Confection - to make with (as in to prepare).
  • Confer - to bear together (pertaining to deliberating or talking over)
  • Confess - to admit together (aka to acknowledge)
  • Conflate - to blow together (originally pertained to casting something into molten metal).
  • Congenital - beget together
  • Conifer - (lit) cone bearing
  • Conjecture - to throw together (as in for an interpretation of something)
  • Constable - (lit) count of the stable
  • Contravene - to come against
  • Controversy - to turn against
  • Convent - assembly. place where people come together
  • Cop - one who seizes.
  • Cord - cat-gut. Intestine.
  • Corporate - to make into a body (as in corporations). to make into a corpse (as in corporal punishment)
  • Corps - body (as in a body of soldiers that are lead by a head)
  • Corpulent - (lit) full body. Pertaining to a body that is fully of flesh or fat
  • Corpuscle - small bodies
  • Corset - something wrapped around a body
  • Cosmogony - the birth of the universe
  • Counterfeit - to make against (as in to imitate)
  • Count - (nobility) - to go with (as in a companion to) a great person
  • Courtesan - (lit) woman of the court.
  • Court - those assembled in the yard together.
  • Coven - gathering (of witches)
  • Covert - (lit). covered / hidden
  • Cumber - that which is carried together (as in a burden)
  • Curtsy - courtesy


  • Daisy - (lit.) sun’s eye
  • Data - something given
  • Deceive - to take in and ensnare
  • Deed - that which is done
  • Deem - to set (judgment)
  • Defeat - to undo
  • Defray- to spend out (due to costs caused by damages). Alternatively, a cost for peace.
  • Degenerate - to be born off (as in to be inferior)
  • Demagogue - leader of the common people.
  • Deodand - (lit) a thing to be given to God
  • Despicable- (one deserving) to be looked down upon
  • Deva - (lit) a god. Shining one.
  • Devil - to slander / attack. one thrown across.
  • Dexterity - skillful with the (right) hand
  • Diabetes - to pass through, pertaining to an excessive discharge of urine.
  • Diagnosis - (lit) to know apart from another
  • Dianthus - flower of Zeus
  • Diary - a daily allowance, later meant just daily
  • Dichotomy - (lit) a cutting in half.
  • Die - (pertaining to dice) given (by Fate or by the act of playing).
  • Diet - regimen for the day.
  • Differ - to carry away from (as in to disagree)
  • Dignify - to make worthy.
  • Diploma - paper that is folded over twice.
  • Discover - (lit). to undo a covering / expose
  • Dismal - from Latin “dies mali” or “evil days”.
  • Dismay -to divest of power or ability and hence to surprise


  • Donation - something given
  • Doom - to judge.
  • Dose - (lit) a giving, pertaining to a portion prescribed
  • Doubt - a sense of two minds, uncertain between two things
  • Dour - firm and solid, pertaining to severity or boldness.
  • Dowry - something that is given (for marriage)
  • Dozen - two and ten
  • Druid - They who know he Oak (in allusion to divination from mistletoe)
  • Drupe - tree-ripened
  • Dubious - moving two ways - undecided between two things
  • Dura mater - from “dura mater cerebri” or “hard mother of the brain”
  • During - a shortening of “enduring”
  • Dysentery - bad bowels


  • Eager - harsh / bitter / rough.
  • Edge - corner / point. Also pertains to swords.
  • Edifice - to make a temple or sanctuary.
  • Edition - something given out
  • Effect - to work out.
  • Efferent - to bring out or carry forth
  • Effleurage - to level out (lightly)
  • Eglantine - rich in prickles / thorns.


  • Eldritch - (lit) beyond the realm
  • Emancipate - to put out of paternal authority (in Roman law, this was applied to sons and wives.)
  • Emancipate - to take away from one’s ownership or hand.
  • Embargo - to bar in (as in to contain inside)
  • Embarrass - (lit) to block
  • Embassy- one who moves around (as in a diplomat)
  • Emblem - (lit) to throw in, as in to inset or insert
  • Embryo - (lit) that which grows
  • Emphasis - to show from (as in to make visible)
  • Empire - to order all inside. to command.
  • Endure - to harden (the heart) against
  • Enema - to throw in
  • Engine - that which is inborn
  • Enhance - (lit) to make high.
  • Enthusiasm - to be inspired or possessed by a god
  • Entice - to set on fire (as in to incite)
  • Entrails - that which is within
  • Envoy - one sent on his way.
  • Envy - to look at and cast an evil eye upon (literally see upon)
  • Ephor - oversee
  • Epigone - born afterward.
  • Epiphany - to manifest, display, show off, come to view suddenly
  • Episode - an addition
  • Epithet - to add on to something
  • Esophagus - (lit) what carries and eats
  • Esoteric - belonging to an inner circle
  • Essay - to set out in motion


  • Eugenics - to be well-born (as in of noble race)
  • Euphemism - to speak with fair words
  • Euphoria - (lit) bearing well
  • Event - something coming out.
  • Exact - (lit) to force out
  • Exalt - (lit) to make high.
  • Examine - (lit) to force out
  • Except - to take out or to leave out.
  • Exhort - to thoroughly urge
  • Exit - (lit) to go out
  • Expect - to thoroughly look at (with anticipation)
  • Extrovert - to turn outside
  • Fable - (lit) that which is told
  • Face - a form imposed on something
  • Facilitate - to render easy
  • Facsimile - to make similar
  • Fact - a thing done.
  • Faction - a making or doing, pertaining to a group of people.
  • Fae - pertaining to the Fates


  • Fair - (as in a market fair), pertaining to a religious holiday.
  • Fairy - land of fairies; enchantment, magic, witchcraft and sorcery. pertaining to fate
  • Fame - pertaining to rumor.
  • Fanatic - mad, enthusiastic, inspired by a god.
  • Fantasy - picture to oneself (pertaining to imagination)
  • Farm - Fixed or Constant (as in the sense of providing a fixed payment). Alternatively, possibly comes from “life”.
  • Fate -(lit) that which is spoken or ordained by the gods.
  • Feast - holy day
  • Feature - a making or performing
  • Fedora - (lit) of Fedor, pertaining to Princess Fedora Romanoff
  • Feral - from Latin fera bestia — wild beast.
  • Ferocity - wild looking.
  • Ferret - (lit) (furry) thief.
  • Festival - short for festival day, pertains to a day suitable for a feast.
  • Festoon - (lit) a festive ornament
  • Fetish - made by art but made so elegantly.
  • Feuilleton - (lit) leaflet (pertaining to newspapers)
  • Fierce - wild beast.-like
  • Fist - five (in reference to the five digits)


  • Flamingo - (lit) flame colored (as in because of its red feathers)
  • Flatulent - a breaking wind, blow or puff.
  • Flavor - that which blows, odor.
  • Folk - pertaining to the people / multitude (from the word to fill)
  • Follicle - inflated bag
  • Fool - windbag / inflated (as in one’s head is full of air / nothing).
  • Forbear - to bear up against.
  • Forbid - (lit) to command against
  • Forceps - thing for grasping warms things
  • Forfeit - to do outside (as in outside the law)
  • Fractal - interrupted, literally broken.
  • Fumigation - (lit) to drive out smoke
  • Furtive - to steal / stolen


  • Garment - (lit) covering
  • Garnish - (lit) covering
  • Gendarme - (lit) men at arms
  • Gender - kind
  • General - pertaining to a whole kind.
  • Generous - of noble birth
  • Genital - pertaining to the organs of generation
  • Genius - generative or inborn power.
  • Genteel - high-born or noble.
  • Gentle - of noble or good birth.
  • Gentry - noble or of good family
  • Germ - (pertaining to buds) - spring offshoot
  • Gingerly - well-born / dainty
  • Girdle - to gird (aka to enclose)


  • Glad - pertaining to smooth and bright. Pertaining to something shining
  • Glance - to slip or make slippery
  • Glare - to shine
  • Glass - shining material. Also connotes materials that shine bright colors.
  • Glee - shining. joyous and radiant.
  • Glitch - to slip or to glide.
  • Gonad - seed that which engenders birth
  • Gonorrhea - flow of seed (hist. mucus discharge was mistaken for semen)
  • Greedy - hungry. Eagerly. (German) A passion for having.
  • Grief - weighty (as in pertaining to a feeling)
  • Guru - someone venerable or worthy of honor


  • Hacienda - things to be done (pertaining to the plantations where things had to be done)
  • Haft - thing that is seized or grasped.
  • Hamadryad- nymph who dies together with the wood (pertaining to wood nymph fabled to die with her tree)
  • Hamlet - dwelling
  • Hammer - tool with a stone head
  • Hangar - enclosure near a house.
  • Hangar - home and yard. enclosure near a house
  • Harpsichord - (lit) harp string
  • Haruspex - that who beholds via entrails.
  • Haught - (lit) high
  • Haunt - to bring home
  • Have - something grasped, and hence something you possess.
  • Heave - to take hold of in order to lift.
  • Hierophant - one who shows sacred things
  • History - an account of inquiries, something witnessed by an expert
  • Hobnob - To have or have not ; to take or not take ; To toast each other
  • Hyperbaton - (lit) overstepping
  • Hyperbola - (lit) a throwing beyond others
  • Hyperbole - (lit) a throwing beyond
  • Hypnagogic - (lit) driving towards sleep
  • Hypnotic - to put to sleep
  • Hypothesis - (lit) a placing under, pertaining to being placed under a main argument


  • Immolate - to sprinkle with sacrificial meal
  • Immure - (lit) to shut up within the walls
  • Impede - (lit) to shackle the feet
  • Impend - hanging over.
  • Important - to bring into.
  • Impostor - to put upon (as in to disguise)
  • Impromptu - (lit) in readiness
  • Inception - to take in hand (as in to begin)
  • Incumbent - to recline on (pertaining to applying oneself)
  • Indeed - in reality
  • Indigenous - to be born in a place
  • Industry - (lit) to build within. Diligent
  • Ineffable - cannot be uttered or spoken out
  • Infamous - not celebrated. to be without reputation
  • Infant - one who cannot speak
  • Infantry - one who cannot speak (pertaining to foot soldiers or youth who were typically enlisted as infantry and who had low rank)
  • Infect - to put in to.
  • Infer - to draw in (as in to conclude)
  • Influence - flowing out of (the source pertains to something ethereal or vaporous).
  • Ingenious - that which is inborn.
  • Ingenuous - born in a place. pertaining to a native
  • Ingenuous - (lit) born in a place. Pertaining to nobility in particular
  • Ingest - (lit) to carry into
  • Initial - (lit) to go into, to begin
  • Innate - (lit) to be born in (as in to exist in a state since birth)
  • Innuendo - giving a nod to
  • Inspect - to look into
  • Insufflation - to blow from below
  • Intercept - to take in between (as in to cut off)
  • Intervene - to come in between
  • Intrinsic - (lit) from within
  • Introduce - (lit) to lead in
  • Introspect - to look inward
  • Introvert - to turn inside
  • Invent - to come in, to acquire
  • Isinglass - (lit) sturgeon’s bladder
  • Issue - (lit) to go forth (as in to the public)
  • Itinerary - a roadbook, a log of one’s journey.


  • Janitor - doorkeeper
  • Jaundice - yellowness.
  • Jaunty - genteel
  • Journal - that which takes place daily.
  • Journey - a day’s work or travel. Of one day.
  • Juggernaut - (lit) Lord of the World. He goes. The moving; all that moves.


  • Kerchief - (lit) head covering.
  • Kermes - worm
  • Kill - to cause pain. to torture or torment
  • Kindergarten - (lit) garden of children
  • King - (possibly) leader of people; (possibly) noble birth


  • Legerdemain - light handed
  • Leprechaun - a very small body. Alternatively pertaining to “little Lupercus” or little wolf.
  • Levee - a rising (as of the sun).
  • Levity - lightness. Light-mindedness and frivolity.
  • Levy - act of raising (money)
  • Litigate - (lit) to drive a suit
  • Lonely - A lonely heart ; A lonely-hearted person.
  • Lord - (lit) one who guards the loaves (pertaining to Yahweh)
  • Lung - (lit) the light organ. Pertaining to how lungs float in cooking pots.


  • Machine - that which enables, and hence pertains to devices or tools.
  • Magic - one of the learned. one who has power.
  • Mahayana - (lit) great vehicle
  • Maintain - hold in the hand
  • Malaria - (lit) bad air
  • Malign - badly born.
  • Malversation - to turn wrongly (as in to behave ill).
  • Manciple- a taking in hand
  • Mandate - (lit) to give into one’s hand.
  • Manifest- caught by hand.
  • Manipulate- to fill one’s hand (i.e., skillfully handling something)
  • Mannequin - little man
  • Manufacture - to make by hand
  • Manumission -(lit.) the freeing of the slave.
  • Mauvais - (lit) one with a bad lot.
  • May - “am able”
  • Mediocre - (fig.) Halfway up a mountain, (lit.) Middle of the peak point.
  • Melancholy - (lit) in excess of black bile
  • Mellifluous - flowing with (or as if with) honey.
  • Meridian - Middle Day (as in of midday or noon)
  • Metaphor - (lit) a carrying over. a transfer of meaning from one word to a different word.
  • Meteor - (lit) something high up.
  • Midriff - middle of the body.
  • Milieu - Middle place (as in the middle of the environment)
  • Miscegenation - mixed race.
  • Mitigate - (lit) to make soft, to drive out softly
  • Municipal - to assume or take in a particular duty for the community.
  • Mystagogue - leader of mystery


  • Nada - thing (just) born. pertaining to a small ,insignificant thing.
  • Naive - not artificial; native; natural
  • Nation - that which has been born
  • Nature - birth (pertaining to the essence of life)
  • Navigate - to lead / drive with a ship.
  • Nefarious - Not Lawfully or Divinely spoken
  • Neglect - Not Picked up or selected
  • Nepenthe - No Pain or Grief.
  • Nightingale - one that calls at night.
  • Notify - to make known


  • Obituary - (lit) to go towards, pertaining to meeting the dead.
  • Oboe - (lit) high pitched wood.
  • Ocarina - goose like
  • Offal - that which is not allowed to fall off the butcher’s block as being of little use. (literally means fall off)
  • Offer - to bring to (a.k.a. to bring forward)
  • Office - (lit) work doing. A place for doing work
  • Ombudsman - man who is made aware of those in command.
  • Orchard - (lit) vegetable garden
  • Orifice - (lit) mouth making
  • Ostracism - Originated from an Athenian practice where the citizens each indicated the name of the man they wished banished by scratching it on a potsherd or tile (which comes from the PIE word for bone).
  • Oval - pertaining to an egg / egg-shape
  • Ovary - egg
  • Overt - (lit) off cover (lit. uncover)
  • Oxygen - (lit) something that produces an acid.
  • Oxymoron - (lit) pointedly foolish.
  • Palm - a spread out hand.
  • Pantheon - of or for all the gods
  • Pant - (pertaining to quick breathing) - to be oppressed with a nightmare to the point of struggling to breathe — literally to have visions.


  • Parable - (lit) a throwing beside of in order to compare. a juxtaposition
  • Paragon - to sharpen on the side of a whetstone
  • Parallax - to change the other.
  • Parallel - beside on another
  • Paramount - Per Ad Montem / to the hill (as in, through upward)
  • Paraphernalia - beside the dowry (in Roman Law, pertains to a woman’s property besides her dowry)
  • Pardon - to give wholeheartedly or remit
  • Parenthesis - (lit) to put beside something
  • Parliament - originally, a speaking / talk
  • Parole - a comparison. a word of honor.
  • Pedagogue - leader of the children (as in the schoolmastet)
  • Perceive - to grasp in the mind.
  • Perfect - completely done
  • Periphery - (lit) a carrying around
  • Perish - to go through (as in to be lost or destroyed)
  • Perspective - to look through
  • Phantasmagoria - crowd of phantoms.
  • Phenomenon - that which appears or is seen.
  • Phlegm - (lit) inflammation, flame, fire, heat
  • Phoresy - being carried around
  • Phosphorus - light bringing / torch-bearer (i.e., the morning star)


  • Plain - flat / smooth (as in pertaining to a dress, and later intonation and character).
  • Planet - wandering stars.
  • Plasma - to spread thin (in order to mold)
  • Plebeian - to be a part of the multitude (as in the common class)
  • Plutogogue - the leader of the wealth (one who justifies the interests of the wealthy)
  • Pole - (as in a resident of Poland) field dwellers.
  • Polyp - filled foot (i.e., pertaining to a cuttlefish.)
  • Pontifex - (lit) bridge maker. Bridge making is historically regarded as sacred.
  • Portfolio - (lit) leaf one carries (leaves pertain to documents)
  • Praetor - (lit) one who goes before
  • Precept - something taken beforehand, pertaining to maxims or advise
  • Preface - something that is said beforehand (pertaining to the opening of Mass)
  • Prefer - to put before or in front
  • Pregnant - with child / (lit) before birth
  • Prevent - to come before (in order to hinder).
  • Primogenitor - first in order at time. First father
  • Prince - that which takes first
  • Problem - a thing that was put forward
  • Prodigal - to drive away or waste
  • Profane -to render unholy. to desecrate
  • Profess - to declare openly, to speak forth
  • Proficient - to make progress / be useful
  • Profit - to make progress
  • Proliferation - to have grown forth/ / the process of growing forth.
  • Prolific - to have grown forth/ / the process of growing forth.
  • Prophet - to speak before. Pertaining to someone who speaks before someone on behalf of a god.
  • Prose - turned forward (as in pertaining to straightforward speech)
  • Prospect - to look forward
  • Prosthesis - to put something additional
  • Protagonist - first actor
  • Provenance - to come forth or arise.


  • Prudent - to look ahead (as in, someone who looks ahead or act deliberately with foresight)
  • Punch - (the drink). Five in reference to the five supposed ingredients (citrus juice, water, spirits, sugar and spice)
  • Puny - after this; hereafter (pertaining to being born after or younger)


  • Purge - to drive to purity
  • Pylorus - (lit) gate watcher / guardian
  • Pyracanth - fiery thorny plant.
  • Pyschedelic - something that makes the mind visible or clear.


  • Qualify - to attribute a quality — to answer “of what sort?” something is
  • Quell - to kill.
  • Quick - lively, bright, sprightly, alive
  • Quicksilver - (lit) living silver.


  • Receive - to take back
  • Rectify - to make straight
  • Redact - to force back to a certain state.
  • Refectory - to refresh (via food)
  • Refer - to carry back (as in to relate)
  • Reject - to throw away (as in to refuse)
  • Relevant - one that lightens (and hence helps)
  • Relief - (lit) a raising, that which is lifted. Hence pertaining to assistance (as in raising the burden)
  • Religion - To bind fast to an obligation (as in to God).
  • Rely - (Archaic) To fasten or bind oneself to another thing. (Modern) Used as a notion of something to fall back on (as in to rally to)
  • Render - to give back
  • Rent - to give back (payment)
  • Replenish - to fill repeatedly, thus to fill completely.
  • Respect - to look back at (as in regard someone highly)
  • Revenant - (lit) one who returns
  • Revenue - (lit) to come back
  • Revere - to stand in awe.
  • Rhabdomancy - divination by means of a rod
  • Rhapsody - (lit) stitched together songs.
  • Sacrifice - to do sacred rites
  • Samadhi - (lit) a putting or joining together
  • Samizdat - (lit) self giving / self publishing
  • Sassafras - (lit) rock breaking herb.


  • Satisfy - to make enough
  • Saxifrage - (lit) rock breaking herb.
  • Sedition - (lit) a going apart
  • Selvage - self + edge.
  • Semaphore - signal bearing
  • Shelter - (possibly) roof or wall formed by interlocked shields
  • Skeptic - one who looks back (as in someone reflective, and hence critical)
  • Sojourn - to spend the day
  • Soporific - pertaining to deep sleep.
  • Souffle - to puff up from underneath.
  • Souvenir - (lit) to come to mind
  • Species - a sight or outward appearance (and hence a means to classify things based on physical appearance)
  • Spice - a kind or sort of (applied in particular to medication or alchemy)
  • Squat - to bring together (as in to crush or crouch by bending one’s legs together.)
  • Stalwart - to stand excellently.
  • Steward - (lit) guard of cattle / house
  • Story - a short history
  • Strategy - to lead a camping army / to lead that which is spread out
  • Subvention - to come up to in order to support.
  • Sudden - (lit) to go under stealthily
  • Suffer - to carry up.
  • Suffrage - shout under (i.e., in support of someone).
  • Supply - to fill from below (as in to support)
  • Surrender - to give back over (to give up)
  • Susceptible - that which can be taken from under.


  • Sycophant - one who shows the fig (in the insulting sense)
  • Symbol - that which is thrown or cast together.
  • Synallagmatic - (lit) together in thing taken in exchange (pertaining to a contract)
  • Synopsis - to view together (as in to get a general view or outline)


  • Tar - the pitch of trees
  • Tergiversate - (lit) to turn one’s back
  • Theme - something set down (pertaining to a thesis).
  • Theropoda - wild beast. beast of prey
  • Thesis - a setting down, a placing, an arranging; position or situation
  • Theurgy - (lit) the working of a god.
  • Throne - the stable, firm seat occupied by a sovereign (or previously by God).
  • Tradition - something that is given over (aka something passed down)
  • Traitor - one who gives something over.
  • Trance - to go across or beyond.
  • Transfer - to carry across or beyond
  • Transient - to go across or beyond
  • Tray - wooden vessel
  • Treacle - of a wild animal.
  • Treason - act of giving over
  • Trough - wooden vessel
  • Truce - assurances of faith, covenants
  • Truth - having or characterized by good faith
  • Twig - a fork
  • Twilight - “half light”.
  • Twine - double thread
  • Twin - two each
  • Twist - originally to divide in two. Also potentially “combine two into one” and “rope made of two strands”


  • Ultimate - to be most beyond / farthest.
  • Universe- All things, everybody, all people, the whole world; Turned into One
  • Utopia - Nowhere, not on your life


  • Valkyrie - Chooser of the slain
  • Venire - from venire facias (lit) that you cause to come.
  • Verboten - forbidden
  • Verify - to make true
  • Versatile keep turning (pertaining to inconstancy, or in modern usage, being able to do / turn many things.)
  • Verse - to turn (metaphorically of plowing or turning from one line to another)
  • Vertebra - joint or articulation of the body (notion of spine as hinge of the body)
  • Vertigo - turning (pertaining to spinning movement or dizziness)
  • Viand - things for living, to be lived upon
  • Vinegar - wine turned sharp / sour
  • Vivid - alive. full of life.
  • Vociferous - to carry with one’s voice (as in to shout or yell)


  • Wardrobe - (lit) guard of clothes / robes
  • Warp - to turn or bend (pertaining to bending the arm to throw or bending fabric)
  • Warrant - guarantee.
  • Warren - land for protecting fowl / game
  • Wehrmacht - (lit) defensive might.
  • Weird - winding (pertaining to bending Fate).
  • Welcome - one whose coming suits another’s will or wish (i.e., come well)
  • Whiskey - (lit) water of life.
  • Window - (lit) Wind’s eye / eye door
  • Wise - seeing (as in someone who knows or is prudent)
  • World - (lit) age of man. Other etymologies give “seed of man”, “abode”, “foundation” and “under the sun”.
  • Worth - (lit) to turn into.
  • Wreath - (lit) that which is wound around
  • Wrist - the turning joint.
  • Wunderkind - (lit) wonder-child
  • Wyvern - snake / viper



  • Yellow - shining
  • Yell - to resound; to sing.
  • Yelp - to cry out in arrogance.
  • Yeoman - young man / villager


  • Zodiac - (lit) circle of little animals