Phrase | Meaning | Additional Remarks |
あの | Um… | Filler word, but is used as a “pacer” in the sense it signals hesitation to the other person. |
ありがたおう。 | Thank you | |
ありがとう ございます。 | Thank you (polite) | |
いいえ。 | No. Not at all. | |
いただきます。 | Thank you for the meal (before eating) | |
いってきます。 | I’ll go and come back | |
いってらっしやい。 | Please go and come back. | |
うん | Yes (Very formal) | |
ええ。 | (1) Yep (Yes); Right. Informal (2) Huh? (3) Err (said trailing off). | |
おかえり(なさい)。 | Welcome home. | |
おはよう ございます。 | Good morning. (polite) | |
おはよう。 | Good morning | Can also be used as a greeting when seeing someone for the first time in the day |
おやすみ(なさい)。 | Good night | |
ごちそうさま(でした)。 | Thank you for the meal (after eating) | |
こんにちは。 | Good day / Good afternoon. | こんにち (Today) +は (Topic particle) |
こんばんは。 | Good evening | こんばん (Tonight) +は (Topic particle) |
さようなら。 | Farewell | Traditionally used when you do not expect to see someone for a long time. However, may also be used casually (i.e., school children taking leave from class) |
しつれいします。 | Good bye (formally) | |
じやあ、また。 | See you later (between friends you expect to see again) | |
すみません。 | Excuse me (as in to get someone’s attention). I’m sorry (to trouble you). Thank you (for your time). | |
そうですね | That’s Right; Let me see | |
ただいま。 | I’m home | |
でも | But | |
どうですか | How about … ? How is … ? | |
はい | Yes (neutral / Polite). May also mean “Here” (as in I am present) OK (used to get attention prior to an utterance) | |
はじめまして。 | How do you do? | |
よろしく おねがいします。 | Nice to meet you. | |
ごめんなさい | I’m sorry |