PhraseMeaningAdditional Remarks
あのUm…Filler word, but is used as a “pacer” in the sense it signals hesitation to the other person.
Thank you
ありがとう ございます。Thank you (polite)
いいえ。No. Not at all.
いただきます。Thank you for the meal (before eating)
いってきます。I’ll go and come back
いってらっしやい。Please go and come back.
うんYes (Very formal)
ええ。(1) Yep (Yes); Right. Informal

(2) Huh?

(3) Err (said trailing off).
おかえり(なさい)。Welcome home.
おはよう ございます。Good morning. (polite)
おはよう。Good morningCan also be used as a greeting when seeing someone for the first time in the day
おやすみ(なさい)。Good night
ごちそうさま(でした)。Thank you for the meal (after eating)
こんにちは。Good day / Good afternoon.こんにち (Today) +は (Topic particle)
こんばんは。Good eveningこんばん (Tonight) +は (Topic particle)
さようなら。FarewellTraditionally used when you do not expect to see someone for a long time.

However, may also be used casually (i.e., school children taking leave from class)
しつれいします。Good bye (formally)
じやあ、また。See you later (between friends you expect to see again)
すみません。Excuse me (as in to get someone’s attention).

I’m sorry (to trouble you).

Thank you (for your time).
そうですねThat’s Right; Let me see
ただいま。I’m home
どうですかHow about … ? How is … ?
はいYes (neutral / Polite).

May also mean “Here” (as in I am present)

OK (used to get attention prior to an utterance)
はじめまして。How do you do?
よろしく おねがいします。Nice to meet you.
ごめんなさいI’m sorry