• Lists more uncommon vocabulary words in English. For the language learning index, see English Words Index
Aiguilette(n.) An ornamental braided cord with decorative metal tips worn on uniforms or costumes which denotes an honor.
Amanuensis(n.) One employed to take dictation, or copy manuscripts. Secretary, Transcriber or Scribe.
Apothegm(n.) A short instructive saying that’s easy to remember.
Aught(pronoun). Anything; All / Everything
(adv.) At All
(n.) Zero; Cipher; Non-entity, Nothing
Auspicious(adj.) Showing or suggesting that future success is likely;

(adj.) Fortunate; Prosperous
Cacoethes(n.) An irresistible urge to do something inadvisable; Compulsion
Charlatan(n.) A flamboyant deceiver; One who attracts customers with tricks or jokes
Conniption(n.) A display of bad temper; A fit of rage, hysteria or alarm
Copaectic(adj.) Completely satisfactory
Corpulent(adj.)  Having a large bulky body; Obsese
Countenance(n.) A person’s face or facial expression
Crevasse(n.) A deep fissure
Deluge(n/. A heavy rain

The rising of a body of water overflowing onto normally dry land

An overwhelming number or amount

(v). To inundate with water, esp. filling beyond capacity.
(v). To overwhelm / Intimidate
Distrait(adj.) Having the attention diverted especially because of anxiety.
Epaulette(n.) An ornamentation, worn on the shoulders of a military uniform, dresses, or coats. Traditionally it is seen as a sign of rank
Escarpment(n). A long steep slope or cliff at the edge of a plateau or ridge.

(n). A steep artificial slope in front of a fortification
Gambit(n.) A strategic move where a person sacrifices something up front for future gain.
Horripilation(n). The erection of hairs on the skin due to cold, fear or excitement; Goose bumps.
Ibex(n) A wild goat of mountain areas having large horns.
Jounce(v.) Move up and down repeatedly.

(n.) A sudden; jarring impact.
Levin(n. Archaic) Lighting; Thunderbolts
Mephitic(adj.) Of noxious stench from atmospheric pollution
Miserly(adj.) Pitiably small or inadequate
Mountebank(n.) A flamboyant deceiver; One who attracts customers with tricks or jokes
Nascent(adj.) Just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of true potential.
Nugatory(adj.) Of no real value
Ottoman(n.) A footstool; An upholstered low seat or cushioned stool;

(n). A heavy silk or rayon fabric with a corded texture
Parsimonious(adj.) Unwilling to spend money or use resources; Stingy; Frugal
Perspicacity(n.) The ability to understand things quickly and make accurate judgments; Acute discernment or understanding; Insight
Sagacity(n.) The mental ability to understand and demonstrate between relations

(n). The trait of forming options from distinguishing and evaluating.
Sanguine(adj.) Confidently optimistic and cheerful

(adj.) Inclined Inclined to a healthy red color associated with outdoor life.

(n.) A blood read color.
Sojourn(n.) A temporary stay

(v.) Spend a certain length of time; Reside temporaily.
Squalid(adj.) (of a place) Extremely dirty or unpleasant;, especially as a result of poverty or neglect.
Suzerain(n.) A superior feudal lord to whom fealty is due

(n..) A dominant state controlling the foreign relations of a vassal state but allowing it sovereign authority in its internal affairs
Ubiquitous(adj.) Present; Appearing or found everywhere.
Wherewithal(n). The necessary means