- Ad
- to / to do something
- near / to put next to
- at
- Ag
- to drive to action / to lead
- to draw out or forth
- to drive away / to waste
- to move
- Aiw/Ayu
- vital force / lifetime / age
- long life / eternity / always-ness
- Ak
- be sharp (pertaining to pointed things, or metaphorically a bitter or sour taste)
- rise out to a point / pierce
- Al
- beyond (other or different)
- beyond (as in extremities)
- to grow, nourish
- pertaining to height (as in one who has grown tall)
- Ambhi
- around
- from both sides
- moving around
- Ant
- front / forehead
- before
- end / opposite or against
- Apo
- off / away from
- down
- Ater
- fire
- fiery or cruel
- Awi
- pertaining to birds or bird-like things
- pertaining to eggs.
- Bha
- to shine
- pertaining to light
- pertaining to appearances, illusory or otherwise.
- to gesture or call attention to or to show
- to make appear
- to speak, tell or say
- to proclaim or speak in public. to declare
- pertaining to hearing voices
- pertaining to speaking voices or speech
- Bhel 1
- to blow or swell
- to become ball-shaped
- to inflate
- white / pale / shining color
- black / scorched / dark
- bloom / thrive (like leaves)
- bloom / spurt out (as in blood)
- shining / flash
- pale / light-colored (blue or yellow)
- to flow out
- burning / glowing
- to bloom like flowers.
- Bher -
- to carry
- to bear (as in a burden)
- to carry away or steal
- to bear children
- pertaining to fertility
- bright (as in like polished wood)
- brown
- Bheudh
- to be aware, awakened or enlightened
- to make aware, awakened or enlightened
- Bhle
- to blow
- pertaining to smell
- to swell or puff up.
- pertaining to swelling
- Bhreg
- to break
- broken
- to split
- Bhrengk ***
- To bring
- De ***
- to. (in the prepositional sense pertaining down from or away from)
- Deks
- pertaining to the right
- pertaining to skill
- pertaining southward
- Deru / Dreu-
- be firm, solid or steadfast
- pertaining to trees or wood
- wooden things
- pertaining to truth
- Dher
- to hold firmly
- to support
- something sturdy
- Dhe
- to set
- to put
- to make or do something
- to make (as in to cause something to become something)
- to impose
- to place
- Dhes
- pertaining to religious concepts such as gods or sacred holidays
- Do
- to give
- to publish
- pertaining to something given such as a gift or a portion
- Dwo
- two
- Dyeu
- to shine
- pertaining to the sky or heavens
- pertaining to god
- pertaining to day
- Ei
- to go
- to enter or come in
- to begin
- to travel
- Eidh ***
- Burning
- Eis ***
- Sacred
- Pertaining to passion
- En
- in
- within
- pertaining to interiors
- Epi / Opi
- on / upon / above
- near / at
- against
- towards
- Erkw ***
- to radiate / beam / praise
- Gene
- To give birth.
- Pertaining to birth and ancestry
- Pertaining to race and kind
- To beget
- Geus
- to taste / pertaining to taste.
- to choose / pertaining to choice
- Ghel
- to call
- to shine bright
- pertaining to yellow and green.
- pertaining to bile
- pertaining to gold
- Gher
- to grasp
- to enclose
- pertaining to gardening or gardens
- pertaining to courts.
- to like
- to want
- to urge
- Ghere
- guts / entrails
- pertaining to strings
- Gno
- to known
- to become known / aware
- to make known
- well-known
- Gwa
- to go
- to arrive or come
- to meet
- to walk or step over
- Gwei
- to live
- pertaining to life
- Gwele
- to throw
- to reach
- to pierce
- to dance
- pertaining to projectiles
- pertaining to killing
- Gwhedh ***
- To pray
- Ghwer
- wild beast
- Gwere
- heavy
- to favor
- Kap
- to grasp
- to take or accept
- to seize or catch
- to hold
- to acquire
- Kom ***
- with / together
- Ksun ***
- with / alike or at the same time
- Kwenth
- to suffer (as in to feel)
- to suffer (as in disease)
- Kwrep
- body, form or appearance
- to appear
- Legwh
- not heavy or having little weight
- pertaining to lifting or raising with relative ease.
- Leig
- to tie or bind.
- Magh
- to be able to do something
- to have power
- Man
- man
- to order
- to commit
- pertaining to hands
- Medhyo
- middle
- Ne
- not / negation
- nothingness.
- Oi-No
- one
- unit (pertaining to inches or ounces)
- unique.
- Okw
- to see
- pertaining to the eyes
- pertaining to seeing / sight
- Ost
- bone / pertaining to bones
- Pele
- to fill
- to flatten
- to spread out
- to level out
- pertaining to something flat
- pertaining to formation, growth or development
- to be filled / in abundance / more-ness / multitude / many-ness
- Penkwe
- pertaining five
- Spek
- to observe
- pertaining to instruments for observing
- Swep
- to sleep
- pertaining to sleep
- Tkei
- to settle
- to dwell
- to be home
- Weid
- to see (guide someone)
- to see (imagine)
- to see (as in perceive or vview)
- visible (as in white / shining)
- wise / perceptive or knowing
- Wekti ***
- thing / creature
- Wer
- to raise or lift
- to hang suspended
- relating to air / that which rises
- to turn (as in bend)
- to turn (as in to change)
- to turn (towards)
- to turn (as in to wind or twist)
- pertaining to rods
- pertaining to worms
- perceive / watch / watch out for
- one who watches
- to cover
- to protect
- pertaining to goods
- Were ***
- to speak
- to pertaining to words
- Ye
- to throw against
- to impel
Future PIE
Kaput - head
Ked - to go / yield
Ker - horn / horn-shaped objects / grow / heat / fire
Kleu - to hear
Kwel - revolve / move around / sojourn / dwell / far (in space or time) / completion of a cycle
Leg - to collect / gather / to speak as in to gather words
Legh - lie down / lay
Leubh - to care / desire / love
Mak - long / thin
Me - to measure / to cut down grass or grain
Mei - to change / to move / small
Men - to think, or pertaining to state of mind and thought / to project / to remain/ small, isolated
Mer - remember / to get a share of something
Nau - boat
Ner - man / vigorous, vital, strong
Pag / Pak - to fasten
Pau - few little / to cut / strike / stamp
Pel - pale / to fold / skin / hide / to sell / to thrust / strike / drive
Per - forward, first / to lead, pass over / to try, risk / to strike / to sell
Pere - to produce / procure / to grant / allot
Sem - one / as one / together with
Sker - to cut / to turn / bend
Skribh - to cut / separate / sift
Sta - to stand / set down / make or be firm / place or thing that is standing.
Ster - stiff / star
Ten - to stretch
Trep - to turn
Weg - to be strong / lively
Wi-ro - man
Wekw - to speak
Were-o - true / trustworthhy
Werg - to do
New Batch
Akwa - water
Bhag - to share out, approtion; to get a share
Bheidh - to trust / confide / persuade
Bhorh - hole
Da - to divide
Dek - to take / accept
Dekm - ten
Deu - to do, perform, show favor, revere
Deuk - to lead
Dhe - to set / put
Dheu - dust, vapor, smoke
Es - to be
Gwher - to heat or warm
Kakka - to defecate
Kel - to cover / conceal / save / to be prominent / hill
Kele - warm. to shout
Keue - to swell / vault / hole
Klau - hook, crook or forked branch
Kwo / Kwi - stem of relative and interrogative pronouns
Leuk - light / brightness
Mei - to change, go or move / to exchange goods / small
Meik - to mix
Mel - soft / strong or great / false, bad, wrong
Mele - to crush / grind
Mendg - to learn
No-men - name
Op - to work, put in abundance
Pekw - to cook / ripen
Pet/Peta - to rush / fly
Plak - to be flat / to spread / to strike
Plek - to plait. to fold
Reg - to move in a straight line / to lead or to rule
Sal - salt
Sekw - to follow
Spen - to draw, stretch, spin
Stel - to put / stand / put in order. derivatives pertain to a standing object in place
Stere - to spread
Tem - to cut
Trep - to turn
It’s amusing how this PIE word corresponds to both white and black. ↩