-ac | pertaining to; one afficted with |
-ad | toward, in the direction of |
-aemia, -ema, -emia, hemat | blood condition |
-al , -eal | pertaining to |
-ary | pertaining to |
-ase | enzyme |
-athroid- | gathered or lumped together |
-cele | pouching / hernia |
-cent-, -cin-, can-, cant- | sing |
-centesis | surgical puncture for aspiration |
-cept-, -cip-, cap-, capt- | hold, take |
-cid, -cad-, cas- | fall |
-cid-, -cis-, caed-, caes- | cut / kill |
-cidal, -cide | killing / destroying |
-cipit-, capit- | head |
-clast | break |
-clud-, -clus-, claud-, claus- | close / shut |
-cracy, -crat | government / rule / authority |
-crine, crin(o)- | to secrete |
-cry | wail / shriek |
-cus-, caus- | cause / motive |
-cuti-, -cuss- quati- quass- | shake |
-cyte, cyt(o)- | cell |
-desis | binding |
-dipsia | condition of thirst |
-dynia | pain |
-ectasia, -ectasis | expansion, dilation |
-ectomy | denotes a surgical operation or removal of a body part; resection, excision |
-emesis | vomiting condition |
-emia | blood condition |
-esophag(o/eal) | gullet |
-gen | born in from of a certain kind |
-genic | formative, pertaining to producing |
-geusia | taste |
-gnit-, gnosc- | know |
-gnosis | knowledge |
-gram, -gramme | record, picture |
-graph | instrument for recording a picture |
-graphy | process of recording |
-iasis | condition, formation or presence of |
-iatry | a field in medicine emphasizing a certain body component |
-ic | pertaining to |
-ics | organized knowledge, treatment |
-ine | of or pertaining to, forming adjectives of material or time. |
-ism | condition, disease, to be in a state of, to follow a doctrine |
-ismus | spasm, contraction |
-ist | one who specializes in |
-ite | the nature of, resembling |
-itis | inflammation |
-ium | structure or tissue |
-kary- | nucleus |
-lepsis, -lepsy | attack, seizure |
-logist | someone who studies a certain field |
-logy | denotes the academic study or practice of a certain field, the study of |
-lysis | destruction, separation |
-malacia | softening |
-meter | instrument used to measure or count |
-metry | process of measuring |
-oid | like, resemblance to |
-oma(ta) | morbid, growth, tumor |
-opsy | examination or inspection |
-or | agent |
-osis | a condition or disease |
-ous | pertaining to |
-pagus | conjoined twins |
-paresis | slight paralysis |
-pepsia | pertaining to digestion |
-pexy | fixation |
-phagy | deeding on something |
-phil(ia) | attraction for |
-phobia | fear |
-phyte, phyto- | to grow |
-plasia | formation, development |
-plasty | surgical repair, reconstruction |
-plegia | paralysis |
-plexy | stroke, seizure |
-poeisis | production |
-ptosis | falling, drooping, downward placement, prolapse |
-ptyal-, ptyalo | saliva |
-ptysis | spitting |
-rrhage, -rrhagia | burst forth, rapid flow |
-rrhaphy | surgical suturing |
-rrhea, -rrhoea | flowing, discharge |
-rrhexis | rupture |
-sclerosis | hardening |
-scope, -scopy | instrument or process of viewing |
-spadias | slit, fissure |
-stalsis | contraction |
-stasis | stopping / standing |
-statin | maintain cholesterol |
-staxiss | dripping, trickling |
-stenosis | abnormal narrowing of a blood vessel |
-tension, -tensive | pressure |
-tic | pertaining to |
-tide | bound to |
-tome | cutting instrument |
-tomy | act of cutting |
-tony | tension |
-tripsy | crushing |
-ula, -ule | small |
-version | turning |
-y | condition or process of |
a-, ab-, abs-, au- | away from; down; off |
a-, ac-, ad-, af-, ag-, al-, am-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at- | movement to or towards; in addition to |
a-, am-, an-, ar- | not; without |
abac- | slab |
abdomin- | relating to the abdomen |
ac-, ace- | cure |
ac-, acm-, acr- | point |
academ- | Akademos; academy |
acanth- | thorn or spine |
acar- | mite |
acciptr- | hawk |
acer-, acri- | bitter; sharp; sour |
acet- | sour; vinegar |
acid- | acidic; sour |
acou-, -acusis | relating to hearing |
acr- | height; summit; top |
actin- | bream; ray |
acu-, acut- | sharp; pointed |
aden- | gland |
adip- | fat |
adren- | relating to the adrenal glands |
aer- | lift; raise |
aer-; aero- | air; atmosphere |
aesth- | feeling; sensation |
aesthesi- | sensation |
aether-, ether- | upper pure, bright air |
aev-, ev- | age |
ag- | lead (as in guide) |
ag-, -ig-, act- | do; go; move |
agap- | love |
agr- | field |
agri-, -egri- | field |
ailur- | cat |
alac- | cheerful |
alb- | dull white |
alcyon- | kingfisher |
ale- | wheat flour |
alg-, alge(si)-, -algia, alg(i)o- | pain |
ali-, alter- | other |
all- | other, pertaining to something different |
allel- | one another |
alm-, elem- | pity |
alph- | A, a |
alphit- | barley |
alt- | high; deep |
am-, amat- | love, liking |
am-, amb-, ambi-, ambo-, an- | both; on both sides |
am-, amic-, -imic- | friend |
am-, an-, ana- | against; against; back up |
amath- | sand |
ambly- | dull |
ambul- | walk |
amm- | sand |
amn- | lamb |
amnio- | pertaining to the membranous fetal sac |
amph-, amphi- | both; on both sides; both kinds |
ampl- | ample; bountiful; large |
amygdal- | almond |
amylo- | starchy; carbs related |
an- | anus |
ana- | back; again; up |
ancyl- / akyl- | crooked; bent |
andr- | male; masculine |
anem- | wind |
angi- | blood vessel |
anim- | breath; life; soul; spirit |
aniso- | describing as uneqal |
ann-, -enn- | year |
ant-, anti- | against or opposed to |
ante-, anti- | before; in front of |
ante-, anti- | prior to; old |
anth- | flower |
anthrac- | coal |
anthrop(o)- | human |
aor- | lift; raise (as in blood) |
ap-, apo | off; away from; separate; the farthest point |
aper- | open |
aphrod- | Aphrodite |
api- | bee |
aqu- | water |
ara- | plow; till |
arachn- | spider |
arbit- | judge |
arcan- | box |
arch-, arche-, archi- | ruler |
arche-, archae | ancient |
archi- | first; primitive |
arct- | relating to the North Pole; relating to cold |
ard- | heat; glow; passion |
ardu- | difficult |
aret- | vritue |
argent- | silver |
arid- | be dry |
arist- | excellence |
arithm- | count; number |
arm- | weapon |
arsen(o)- | male |
art- | art; skill |
arteri(o)- | of or pertaining to an artery |
arthr- | joint |
arti- | even |
articul- | joint |
asc- | bag |
asin- | donkey / ass |
asper- | rough |
aspr- | white |
aster-, astr- | star |
asthen(ia)- | weak |
atel(o)- | imperfect or incomplete development |
ather- | gruel |
ather- | fatty deposit |
athl- | contest |
atri- | atrium |
auct-, aug- | grow; increase |
aud- | hearing; listening ; sound |
audac- | daring |
aul- | flute; tube |
aur- | gold; gold-colored |
auri-, aus- | relating to the ear |
aut-, auto- | self; directed from within |
aux- | increase |
av- | desire |
avi-, au- | bird |
axi- | merit; worth |
axi- | axis |
axill- | pertaining to the armpit |
axon- | axis; axle |
azo(to)- | nitrogenous compound |
ba-, bas- | to step |
bac- | rod-shaped |
bacteri- | pertaining to bacteria |
bal-, bel-, bol- | throw |
balan- | of the glans |
bapt- | dip |
bar- | weight / pressure |
bas- | pertaining to a base |
bath- | deep / depth |
be, beat- | bless |
bell-, belli- | war |
ben- | good / well |
bet- | B, b |
bev- | brief / short time |
bi-, bin-, bis- | two |
bib- | drink |
bibl- | book |
bil(i)-, chol(e) | of or pertaining to bile |
bio-, bi- | life |
blast- | germ / embryo / bud |
blenn- | slime |
blephar(o)- | pertaining to the eyelid |
bol- | throw |
bol- | clod / lump |
bomb- | boom |
bon- | good |
bore- | north |
botan- | plant |
bov-, bu- | cow / ox |
brachi-, brachio- | arm |
brachi-, brachio-, brachion-, brachioni- | arm |
brachy- | short |
brady- / bradys- | slow |
branchi- | gill |
broc- | rain / wet |
brom- | oats |
brom- | stench |
broma-, bromato-, broma-, bromo- | food |
bronch(i)- | relating to the bronchus |
bronch- | windpipe |
bront- | thunder |
brot- | mortal |
bucc(o)- | cheek |
bucc- | cheek / mouth / cavity |
bulb- | bulbous |
bull- | bubble / flask |
burs(o)- | bursa (fluid sac between bones) |
burs- | pouch / purse |
butyr- | butter |
byss- | bottom |
byss- | flax |
cac-, kak- | bad |
caen-, cen- | new |
cal- | call |
cal- | heat |
cal-, call- | beautiful |
calc- | calcium / stone |
calum-, calv- | trick, lie, deceive |
calyp- | cover |
cameria- | vault |
camiso- | shirt |
camp- | field |
can- | dog |
can- | reed / rod |
cand-, cend- | glowing / iridescent |
capill- | hair |
capn- | smoke |
capr- | goat |
caps- | box, case |
carbon- | coal |
carcer- | jail |
carcin- | cancer (disease) |
card(i)- | heart |
cardin- | hinge |
carn- | flesh |
carp- | fruit |
carp- | wrist |
cast- | pure / cut |
cat-, cata- | down, against, back |
caten- | chain |
cathar- | pure |
caud- | tail |
caust-, caut- | burn |
cav- | hollow |
ced-, cess- | move / yield / go / surrender |
cel- | hide |
celer- | quick |
cen- | empty |
cen-, coen- | common |
cens- | to assess |
cent- | hundred |
centen- | hundred each |
centesim- | hundredth |
centr- | center |
centri- | center |
cephal(o)- | head |
ceram- | clay |
cerat(i)- | horn |
cerebell(o)- | cerebellum |
cerebr(o)- | pertaining to the brain |
cern-, cer- | sift |
cervic- | relating to neck / cervix |
ceter- | other |
chaet- | hair / bristle / seta |
cheil- | of or pertaining to the lips |
cheir-, chir- | of the hands |
chelon- | relating to a turtle |
chem(o) | chemistry / drug |
chlor- | hreen |
cholecyst(o)- | gallbladder |
chondr(i)o- | cartilage, gristle, granule |
chondr- | cartilage |
chord- | cord |
chore- | relating to dance |
chres- | use |
chro-, chrom(ato)- | color |
chron- | time |
chrys- | gold |
cili- | eyelash / cilia |
cine-, kine- | motion, movement |
ciner- | ash |
cing-, cinct- | gird |
circ- | circle / ring |
circum- | around |
cirr- | orange |
cirr- | curl / tentacle |
cis- | on this side (nearer to speaker) |
cit- | call / start |
civ- | citizen |
clad- | branch |
clam- | cry out |
clar- | clear |
clast- | broken |
clav- | key |
cle- | call |
cleist- | closed |
cleithr- | bar / key |
clin- | bed |
clin- | lean / recline |
clostr- | spindle |
co-, col-, com-, con-, cor- | with / together |
coccus-, -coccal | round / spherical |
cochl- | snail / spiral / shell |
coel- | hollow |
col- | strain |
col-, colo(no)- | colon |
col-, cult- | cultivate / till / inhabit |
coll- | hill |
coll- | neck |
color- | color |
colp- | relating to the vagina |
com- | friendly / kind |
con- | cone |
condi- | season |
contra- | against |
copi- | plenty |
copr- | dung |
copul- | bond |
cor-, cord(i)- | heart |
corac- | raven |
cori- | hide / leather |
corn- | horn |
cornu- | applied to parts likened to horns |
coron- | crown |
coron- | pertaining to the heart |
corpor- | body |
cortic- | bark |
cortic- | cortex / outer region |
cosm- | universe |
cosmet- | the art of dress / ornament |
cost- | rib |
cotyl- | cup |
cox- | relating to the hip / hip joint |
crani(o)- | skull |
crass- | thick |
crea- | make |
cred- | believe, trust |
crepid- | boot / show |
cresc- | grow / rise |
cribr- | sieve |
cric- | ring |
crisi-, crit- | judge / separate |
crisp- | curled |
crist- | crest |
cross- | fringe / tassel |
cruc- | cross |
crur- | leg / shank |
cry(o)- | cold |
crypt- | hide / hidden |
cten- | comb |
cub- | cube |
cub- | lie |
culin- | kitchen |
culp- | blane / fault |
cune- | wedge |
cur- | care for |
curr-, curs- | run / course |
curv- | bent |
cuspid- | lance / point |
cut- | hide / skin |
cutane- | skin |
cyan(i)- | blue |
cycl- | circle |
cylind- | roll |
cyn- | dog |
cyph(o)- | denotes something as bent |
cyst(o)-, cyst(i) | pertaining to urinary bladder |
cyst- | capsule |
da-, dida- | learn |
dacry(o)- | tear |
dactyl(o)- | digit, finger, toe |
dam- | tame |
damn- -demn- | to inflict loss upon |
de- | bind |
de- | down, away, from, removing |
deb- | owe |
dec- | ten |
decim- | tenth part |
decor- | ornament |
del- | erase |
delt- | D, d |
dem- | people |
dem-, dom- | build |
den- | ten each |
dendr- | tree |
dens- | thick |
dent- | tooth |
dent- | pertaining to teeth |
der- | skin |
dermat(o)-, derm(o)- | pertaining to skin |
despot- | master |
deuter- | second |
dexi- | right |
dexter-, dextr(o)- | right |
di(a)- | two |
dia- | apart, through |
diacosi- | two hundred |
dic-, dict- | say, speak, proclaim |
dida- | teach |
dif- | apart, separation |
diff-, div- | different |
digit- | finger |
din- | terrible, fearfully great |
dipl(o)- | twofold |
dis- | separation, taking apart |
do- | give |
doc-, doct- | teach |
dodec- | twelve |
dog-, dox- | opinion, tenet |
dol- | pain |
dom- | house |
domin- | master |
domit- | tame |
don- | give |
dorm- | sleep |
dors(o/i)- | back |
dra- | do |
drac- | dragon |
drach- | grasp |
dram-, drom(o)- | run, conduction, course |
dros- | dew |
dry- | tree |
du- | two |
dub- | doubtful |
duc-, duct- | lead (v.) |
dulc- | sweet |
dur(a)- | hard |
dy- | two |
dyna(m/mo)- | power, energy, force |
dys- | badly ill, difficult, defective, abnormal |
e-, ef-, ex- | outside, out of, from, out |
ec- | out, away |
ecclesi- | assembly, congregation |
ech- | sound |
eco-, oec- | house |
ect(o)- | outside |
ed-, es- | eat |
ed-, oed- | swell, swollen |
eg- | goat |
ego- | self, I (first person) |
eiren-, iren- | peace |
el-, em-, en- | in |
electr- | amber |
em-, empt- | buy |
eme- | vomit |
emul- | striving to equal, rivaling |
enanti- | opposite |
encephal(o)- | brain |
endo- | inside, within |
engy- | narrow |
ennea- | nine |
ens- | sword |
enter(o)- | pertaining to the intestine |
eo-, eos- | dawn, east |
eosin(o)- | having a red color |
ep-, epi- | on, upon |
episi(o)- | pertaining to the pubic region |
equ- | horse |
equ-, -iqu- | even, equal, level |
ere- | row (as in a boat) |
erg-, org-, urg- | work |
erot- | sexual love |
err- | stray |
eryhtr(o)- | red |
eso- | within |
esthesio- | sensation |
eth- | custom, habit |
ethm- | sieve, sift |
ethn- | people, race, tribe, nation |
etym- | true |
eu- | well, good, true, normal |
eur- | wide |
exo- | outside |
extra- | outer, outside |
extrem- | outermost, utmost |
fa-, fa | say, speak |
fab- | bean |
fac-, fact-, -fect-, -fic- | do, make |
faci- | of or pertaining to the face |
falc- | sickle |
fall-, fallac-, fals- | false, deceive |
famili- | a close attendant |
fasc- | bundle |
fatu- | foolish, useless |
feder- | treaty, agreement, contract, league, pact |
fel- | cat |
felic- | happy, merry |
fell- | suck |
femin- | women, female |
femor- | thigh |
fend-, fens- | strike |
fenestr- | window |
fer- | to bear, carry |
feroc- | fierce |
ferr- | iron |
ferv- | boil, glow |
fet- | stink |
fi-, fla- | blow |
fibr- | fiber |
fic- | fig |
fict-, fig- | strike |
fict-, fig-, fing- | to form, shape |
fid-, fis- | faith, trust |
fil- | thread, fine, hair like |
fili- | son |
fin- | end |
find-, fiss- | cleave, split |
firm- | firm, strong |
fistul- | hollow, tube |
fix- | attach |
flacc- | flabby |
flav- | yellow |
flect-, flex- | bend |
flor- | flower |
flu-, fluv-, flux- | flow |
foc- | hearth |
fod-, foss- | dig |
foen- | hay |
foli- | leaf |
font- | spring |
for- | bone, drill |
foramen- | hole, opening or aperture |
fore- | before or ahead |
form- | shape |
formic- | ant |
fornic- | vault |
fort- | strong |
fossa- | hollow or depressed area |
fove- | shallow, round, depression |
fract-, frag-, frang-, fring- | break |
frater-, fratr- | brother |
fric-, frict- | rub |
frig- | cold |
front- | forehead |
fruct-, frug- | fruit |
fug-, fugit- | flee |
fulmin-, fulgur- | flash |
fum- | smoke |
funct-, fung- | do |
fund- | bottom |
fund-, fus- | pour |
fur-, furt- | thief, steal |
furc- | fork |
fusc- | dark |
galact- | milk |
gam- | marriage, wedding |
gamb- | leg |
gamm- | G, g |
gar- | chatter |
gargal- | tickle |
gargar- | gargle |
gastr- | stomach |
ge-, geo- | earth |
geiton- | neighbor |
gel- | icy cold |
gen- | beget |
gen-, gon- | birth, beget, race, kind |
genu- | of or pertaining to the knee |
gephyr- | bridge |
ger- | old |
ger-, gest- | bear, carry |
geran- | crane (bird) |
germ- | sprout |
geu- | taste |
gingiv- | pertaining to the gums |
glabr- | hairless |
glaci- | ice |
gladi- | sword |
glauc(o)- | gray |
glia- | glue |
glob- | sphere |
glori- | glory |
gloss(o)-, glot(to)- | tongue |
gluco | sweet |
glut- | rump |
glutin- | glue |
glyc- | sweet |
glyph- | carve |
gnath- | jaw |
gno- | know |
gon- | corner, angle, knee |
gon- | seed, semen, reproductive |
grad-, gred-, gress- | walk, step, go |
gramm- | letter, writing |
gran- | grain |
grand- | grand |
graph- | draw, write |
grat- | thank, please |
grav- | heavy |
greg- | flock, herd |
gryp- | hooked |
gubern- | govern, plot |
gust- | taste |
gutt- | drop |
guttur- | throat |
gymn- | nude |
gyn(o)-, gynaec(o)-, gyneco- | woman |
gyr- | ring |
gyrin- | tadpole |
hab-, habit-, -hib-, -hibit- | have |
hadr- | thick |
haem(at/ato)-, hem(a/o)- | blood |
haere- | choose, take |
hal- | salt |
hal-, -hel- | breathe |
halluc- | to wander in mind |
hapl- | simple, single |
haur-, haust- | draw (to take from) |
heb- | youth |
hed- | sit |
hed- | pleasant, sweet |
heg- | lead (verb) |
heli- | sun |
helic- | twisted or spiral |
helminth- | worm |
helot- | enslaved |
hemangi(o)- | blood vessel |
hemer- | day |
hemer- | tame |
hemi- | half |
hen- | one |
hendec- | eleven |
hepat(ic)- | liver |
hept- | seven |
her-, heir- | heir |
herald- | messenger, envoy |
herb- | grass |
here-, hes- | cling, stick |
heres-, heret- | choose, take |
herm- | Hermes |
hermeneu- | interpet, explain |
hero- | hero |
herp- | creep |
heter(o)- | different, other |
heur- | find |
hex- | six |
hi- | gape |
hibern- | wintry |
hidr(o)-, hidrot- | sweat |
hiem- | winter |
hier- | sacred |
hipp- | horse |
hipsid- | bristly |
hirsut- | hairy |
histri- | actor |
hod- | way |
hol- | whole |
hom- | same |
homal- | even, flat |
home(o)-, hom(o)-, homoe- | like, similar |
homin- | human |
honor- | esteem |
hor- | boundary |
hor- | hour |
horm- | that which excites |
hort- | garden |
hospit- | host |
host- | enemy |
hum- | ground |
humer(o)- | of or pertaining to the shoulder |
hyal- | glass |
hybr- | wantonness |
hydn- | truffle |
hydr(o)- | water |
hygie- | healthy |
hygr- | wet |
hymen- | skin or membrane |
hyo- | U-shaped |
hyp-, hypo- | under, below |
hyper- | above, over, extreme or beyond normal |
hyph(o)- | weave |
hypn- | sleep |
hyps- | height |
hys- | hog |
hyster(o)- | womb |
hyster- | later |
i- | go |
iatr(o)- | heal, pertaining to medicine or a physician |
ichthy- | fish |
icos- | twenty |
icter- | jaundice |
id- | shape, form, picture |
ide- | idea, thought |
idi(o)- | own, peculiarity |
ign- | fire |
ignorare- | not to know, to be unacquainted, mistake, misunderstand |
il-, im-, in- | in, on |
il-, im-, in-, ir- | not, negation |
ileo- | ileum |
imagin- | copy |
imbr- | heavy rain |
in- | sinew |
inan- | empty, vain |
infra- | below, under |
insul- | island |
integr- | whole, complete |
inter- | among, between |
intra- | inside, within |
iota- | I, i |
ipsi- | same |
irasc-, irat- | be angry |
irid(o)- | pertaining to the iris |
irid- | rainbow |
is-, iso- | equal, same |
isch- | restriction |
ischi(o)- | hip joint |
iter- | again |
itiner- | journey |
jac- | lie (as in lie down) |
jac-, -ject- | cast or throw |
janu- | door |
joc- | jest |
judic- | judge |
jug- | yoke |
junct-, jung- | join |
junior- | younger |
jur-, jus- | law, justice |
jut-, juv- | help |
juven- | young, youth |
juxta- | beside, near to, alongside, or next to |
kal- | potassium |
kastan- | brown |
kerat- | cornea (eye or skin) |
kilo- | thousand |
klept- | steal |
koli- | hollow |
kpyh- | humped, forward sloping |
ktet- | possession, ownership |
kudo- | glory |
lab-, laps- | slide, slip |
lab-, lep- | grasp, size, take |
labi- | lip |
labor- | work |
lacer- | tear (as in lacerate ) |
lacrim(o)- | cry, tears |
lact(i/o)- | milk |
lag- | hare |
lamin- | layer, slice |
lamp- | shine, torch |
lapar(o)- | of or pertaining to the abdominal wall, flank |
lapid- | stone |
larg- | large |
larv- | ghost, mask |
laryng(o)- | pertaining to thee larynx |
lat- | broad, wide |
later(o)- | side |
laud-, laus- | praise |
lav- | wash |
lax- | not tense, slack |
lecith- | egg yolk |
lect-, leg- | choose, gather, read |
led-, les-, -lid-, -lis- | hunt, strike |
leg- | say |
leg- | law |
leg- | send |
lei(o)- | smooth |
lekan- | dish, pot |
leni- | gentle |
leon- | lion |
lep- | flake, peel, scale |
lept(o)- | light, small, fine, thin |
leuc(o)-, leuk(o)- | white |
lev- | lift, light, raise |
liber- | free |
libr- | book |
lict-, linqu- | leave |
lig- | bind |
limac- | slug |
limpa- | clear, water |
line- | line |
line- | smear, smudge |
lingu(a/o)- | language, tongue |
lip(o)- | fat |
liqu- | flow |
liss(os)- | smooth |
lit- | prayer, supplication |
liter- | letter |
lith(o)- | stone |
loc- | place |
locut-, loqu- | speak |
log(o)-, -logy | word, reason, speech, thought |
long- | long |
lu-, luv-, lut- | wash |
luc- | bright, light |
lud-, lus- | play |
lumb(a/o) | or of relating to the part of the trunk between the lower ribs and the pelvis |
lumin- | light |
lun- | moon |
lut- | yellow, golden |
ly-, lyso-, lysi-, lyt(ic)- | dissolving |
lyc- | wolf |
lymph(o)- | lymph |
macer- | lean |
macr(o)- | long, large |
magn- | great, large |
magnet- | magnet |
maj- | greater |
mal- | bad, wretched |
mamm(o)- | breast |
mammill(o)- | pertaining to the nipple |
man- | flow |
man- | stay |
man-, mant- | crazy |
man-, manu- | hand |
mand-, -mend- | order, commit |
mar- | sea |
mas- | male, man |
mast(o)- | breast |
mater-, matr- | mother |
maxim- | greatest |
mechan- | machine or instrument |
medi-, -midi- | middle |
meg(a)-, megal(o)-, -megaly | great, large, enlargement, million |
mei- | less |
melan(o)- | black, dark |
melior- | better |
meliss- | bee |
mell- | honey |
melos | extremity |
memor- | remember |
men- | month |
mendr- | defect, fault |
mening(o)- | membrane |
menstru- | monthly |
mensur- | measure |
ment- | mind |
mer(o)- | part |
merc- | reward, wages, hire |
merge-, mers- | dip, plunge |
mes- | middle |
met-, meta- | above, among, beyond |
metall- | mine (as in mine ore) |
meter-, metr- | measure |
metr- | mother, pertaining to the uterus |
mic- | grain |
micr- | small |
migr- | wander |
mili- | thousand |
milit- | soldier |
millen- | thousand each |
milli | thousandth |
mim- | repeat |
min- | jut |
min- | less, smaller |
mina- | lead |
mina- | threaten |
minth- | mint |
mir- | wonder, amazement |
mis- | hate |
misc-, mixt- | mix |
miser- | unhappy, wretched |
miss-, mit- | send |
mit- | thread |
mn- | pound |
mne- | memory |
mod- | measure, change |
mol- | grind |
moll- | soft |
mon- | alone, only, single |
mon- | warn |
monil- | string of beads |
monstra- | show |
mont- | mountain |
mor- | foolish, dull |
mor- | pause, delay |
mor- | custom, disposition |
mord- | bite |
morph- | form, shape |
mort- | death |
mot-, mov-, mut- | move, motion |
mulg-, muls- | milk |
multi- | many, much |
mund- | world |
mur- | wall |
mus- | mouse |
musc- | fly |
muscul(o) | muscle |
mut- | change |
my- | mouse |
my- | shut (the eyes) |
mycet-, myc(o)- | fungus |
mydr- | dilate |
myel(o)- | marrow |
myl(o) | relating to the molar teeth or lower jaw |
myl- | mill |
myo- | muscle |
myri- | countless, ten thousand |
myring(o)- | eardrum |
myrmec- | ant |
mys- | uncleanness |
myth- | story |
myx(o)- | slime, mucus |
myz- | suck |
nan(o)- | dwarf, small |
nap- | turnip |
nar- | nostril |
narc(o)- | numb, sleep |
narr- | tell |
nas(o)- | nose |
nasc-, nat(o)- | born, birth |
naut- | ship |
nav- | ship |
ne- | spin, thread |
ne-, neo- | new |
neb-, nub- | cloud |
necr(o)- | dead |
nect- | swimming |
nect-, nex- | join, tie |
neg- | say no |
nem-, nom- | arrangement, law |
nemat- | hair |
nemor- | grove, woods |
nephr(o)- | kidney |
nerv- | sinew, nerve |
nes- | island |
neur- | nerve, sinew |
nict- | beckon, wink |
nigr- | black |
nihil- | nothing |
niv- | snow |
noc(i)- | hurt, harm |
noct- | night |
nod- | knot |
nom- | arrangement, law, order |
nomad- | those who let pasture herds |
nome-, non-, nov-, novem- | nine |
nomen-, nomin- | name |
non- | not |
non- | ninth |
nonaagen- | ninety each |
nonagesim- | ninetieth |
norm(o)- | standard |
not- | south |
not- | back |
not- | letter, mark, note |
noth- | spurious |
nov- | new |
noven- | nine each |
novendec- | nineteen |
nox- | harm |
nu- | nod |
nub-, nupt- | to marry, to wed |
nuc- | nut |
nuch- | back of neck |
nud- | naked |
null- | none |
numer- | number |
nunci- | announce |
nutri- | nourish |
nyct- | night |
nyst- | nod |
o-, ob-, oc-, of-, og-, op-, os- | against |
obel- | spit, nail |
obol- | currency or weight |
ocean- | ocean |
ochi- | crowd, mob |
oct- | weight |
oct- | eight |
octav- | eighth |
octogen- | eighty each |
octogesim- | eightieth |
octon- | eight each |
ocul- | eye |
od- | path, way |
odi- | hate |
odont- | tooth |
odor- | fragrant |
odyn- | pain |
oen- | wine |
oesophag(o)-, -oesophageal | gullet |
oestr- | gadfly, sting |
ogdo- | eighth |
okecran- | skull of elbow |
ole | small or little |
ole- | oil |
olig- | few, having little of |
oliv- | olive |
om(o)- | shoulder |
om- | raw |
omas- | paunch |
ombr- | rain |
oment- | fat, skin |
omin- | creepy |
omnat- | eye |
omni- | all |
omphal(o)- | navel |
on- | ass |
onc- | barb, hook |
onco- | tumor, bulk, volume |
oneir- | dreaam |
oner- | burden, load |
oni- | price |
onomat- | name |
ont- | being, existence |
onych(o)- | claw, fingernail or toenail |
onym- | name |
oo- | egg, ovum |
oophor(o)- | pertaining to ovaries |
op- | hole |
opac- | shady |
oper- | work |
oper- | cover |
ophi- | snake |
ophithalm(o)- | eye |
opisth(o)- | behind, rear, back |
ops-, opt- | eye |
opsi- | late |
opson- | cook, prepare for eating |
opt- | choose |
optic(o)- | eye |
optim- | best |
or(o)- | mouth |
or-, oro- | mountain |
ora- | pray, plead |
orb- | circle |
orch(i/id/ido/io/o)- | testicle |
orches- | dance |
ordin- | order |
oreg- | reach |
org- | work |
organ- | organ, instrument, tool |
ori-, ort- | rise |
orn- | decorate |
ornith- | bird |
orphan- | orphan |
orth(o)- | straight |
oryz- | rice |
oscill- | swing |
osm- | odor |
oss(e/i)- | bone |
ost(e/eo)- | bone |
osti- | entrance |
ostrac- | shell |
ostre- | oyster |
ot(o)- | ear |
ov(i/o)- | egg or ovum |
ovari(o)- | pertaining to ovaries |
ovi- | sheep |
oxo-, ox(i) | pertaining to oxygen |
oxy- | sharp, pointed |
oz- | smell |
pac- | peace |
pach(y)- | thick |
pact- | fasten |
pact- | agreement |
pae- | strike |
paed-, ped- | child |
pagin- | page |
pal- | stake |
palae-, pale- | ancient, old |
palin- palim- | back |
pall- | to be pale |
palli- | cloak |
palm- | palm |
palp- | touch |
palpebr- | eyelids |
palustr- | in marshes |
pam-, pan-, pant(o)- | all |
pan- | Pan (goddess of flocks) |
pan- | bread |
pand-, pans- | spread |
papill- | pertaining to the nipple |
papul(o)- | a small swelling or elevation in the skin |
par- | equal |
par- | order, prepare, provide, procure |
par-, para- | beside, near |
para- | alongisde of |
parc-, pars- | spare, save |
pariet- | wall |
part- | part |
parthen- | virgin |
parv(o) - | little, small |
pasc-, past- | feed |
pass- | sprinkle |
pass- | pace, step |
pass-, pati- | suffer, feel, endure, permit |
passer- | sparrow |
pat- | path |
pat- | be open |
pater-, patr- | father |
path(o)-, -pathy | feeling, disease |
pauc(i)- | few |
pav- | beat |
pecc- | sin |
pect- | fixed |
pect-, peg- | fix |
pector- | chest or breast |
pecu- | property |
ped(o)- | foot |
pejor- | worse |
pel- | clay, mud |
pel-, per- | thoroughly, through |
pelag- | sea |
pelarg- | stork |
pell- puls- | drive, push |
pelv(i/o)- | hip bone |
pemp-, pomp- | send |
pen- | almost |
pen-, poen-, puni- | punish |
pend-, pens- | hang |
penia-, -penia | deficiency |
penn-, pinn- | feather |
pent- | five |
pentacont- | fifty |
pentacosi- | five hundred |
pentacost- | fiftieth |
peo- | penis |
peper- | pepper |
pepon- | ripe |
pept- | digest |
per- | wallet |
peran- | across, beyond |
perdic- | partridge |
peri- | around, surrounding |
persic- | peach |
pessim- | worst |
pet- | strive towards |
petr- | rock |
phac(o)- | lens |
phae-, phe- | dark |
phag(e/ia/o)- | eat, devouring |
phagist- | a person who feeds on something |
phalang- | close formation of troops, finger bones |
phalar- | having a patch of white |
phall- | phallus |
phan-, phen- | to show, visible |
pharmac- | drug, medicine |
pheb-, phob- | fear |
pher-, phor- | bear, carry |
pheug-, phyg- | flee |
phil-, -phile | love, friendship |
phim- | muzzle |
phleb- | vein |
phleg-, phlog- | burn, heat, inflammation |
phloe- | tree bark |
phlog- | fire, flame |
phon- | sound |
phos-, phot- | light |
phrag- | fence |
phren(ic)-, phron- | mind |
phtheg- | utter |
phyc- | seaweed |
phyl- | tribe |
phyll(o)- | leaf or leaf-like |
phyrn- | toad, toad-like |
phys- | bladder |
physalid- | bladder |
physi- | nature |
phyt- | plant |
pi- | kind, devout, pity |
pia | soft |
pic- | pitch |
pict-, ping- | paint |
piez- | squeeze |
pil- | hair |
pil- | pillar, ball |
pin- | drink |
pin- | pine |
pingu- | fat |
pir(i)- | pear |
pir- | try |
pis- | pea |
pisc- | fish |
pithec- | ape, monkey |
plac- | plain, plate, tablet |
plac- | calm |
plac-, plea- | please |
plag- | oblique |
plan- | wander |
plan- | fat |
planct-, plang- | strike, beat, lament, mourn |
plas- | mould |
plat- | flat, broad |
plaud-, plaus-, -plod-, -plos- | approve, clap |
ple- | fill, full |
ple- | sail, swim |
ple-, plet-, pleth- | fill |
pleb- | people |
plec-, ploc- | plait, interweave |
plect-, plex- | plait |
pleg- | strike |
pleio- | more, excessive, multiple |
plen- | full |
plesi- | near |
pleur- | rib, side |
plic- | fold |
plinth- | brick |
plor- | cry out, complain |
plu- | rain |
plum- | feather |
plumb- | lead |
plur-, plus- | more |
plurim- | most |
plut- | wealth |
pne(um)- | blow, breathe, lung |
pnig-, pnict- | choke |
po-, pin- | drink |
pod-, -pod-, -pus | foot |
poe-, poie- | make |
pogon- | beard |
pol- | pole |
pole- | sell |
polem- | war |
poli(o)- | gray, greek |
poli- | city |
poll-, poly- | many |
pollic- | thumb |
pollin- | fine flour |
pomph- | blister |
pon-, posit- | put |
ponder- | weight |
pont- | bridge |
popul- | people |
por- | passage, pore, porous |
porc- | pig |
porn- | prostitute |
porphyr- | purple |
port- | carry |
portion- | part, share |
post- | after, behind |
pot- | power |
pot- | drink |
potam- | river |
prag- | do |
pras- | leek |
prat- | meadow |
prav- | crooked |
pre- | before |
prec- | pray |
pred- | prey |
prehend-, prehens- ,prend - | grasp |
prem-, press-, -prim- | press |
presby- | old |
preter- | past |
preti- | price |
pri- | saw |
priap- | Priapus (god of fertility) |
prim- | first |
prior- | former |
prism- | to saw, something sawed |
priv- | own |
pro- | before, in front of |
pro- | for, forward |
prob- | worthy, good |
proct- | anus, rectum |
prodig- | prodigy |
propri- | property |
pros- | forth, forward |
prosop- | face |
prot- | first |
proter- | former |
proxim- | nearest |
prun- | plum |
psa- | rub |
psali- | pluck |
psamath-, psamm- | sand |
pseph- | pebble |
pseud- | false |
psil- | bare |
psithyr- | whisper |
psittac- | parrot |
psoph- | noise |
psor- | itch, itching |
psych- | mind |
psychr- | cold |
pter(o/y)- | wing |
pterid- | fern |
pto- | fall |
ptoch- | poor |
pty- | spit |
ptych- | fold, layer |
pub- | sexually mature |
public- | public |
pude- | shame |
pug-, pugn- | fight |
pulchr- | beautiful |
pulmo(n)- | lung |
pulver- | dust |
punct-, pung- | prick |
pup- | doll |
pur- | pure |
purg- | cleanse |
purpur- | purple |
put- | prune, reckon |
py- | pus |
pyel- | trough, pelvis |
pyg- | rump |
pykno- | to thicken |
pyl(ot)- | gate |
pyr- | fire, feverish |
pyramid- | pyramid |
pyrrh- | flame-colored |
quadr(i)- | four |
quadragen- | forty each |
quadragesim- | fortieth |
quart- | fourth |
quasi- | as if, almost |
quatern- | four each |
query-, -quir-, quesit-, quisit- | search, seek |
qui- | rest |
quin- | five each |
quindecim- | fifteenth |
quinden- | fifteen each |
quinque- | five |
quint- | fifth |
quot- | how many, how great |
rach-, rhach(i/io)- | spine |
rad-, ras- | scrape, shave |
radi- | beam, spoke |
radi- | radiation |
radic- | root |
ram- | branch |
ran- | frog |
ranc- | rancidness, grudge, bitterness |
rap- | rob, seize |
rap- | turnip |
raph- | sew, seam |
rar- | rare |
rauc- | harsh, hoarse |
re-, red- | again, back |
rect- | rectum |
rect-, reg-, -rig- | straight, direct |
reg-, rex- | king |
regul- | rule |
rem- | oar |
ren(o)- | kidney |
rep-, rept- | crawl, creep |
resid- | left behind |
ret-, reticul(o) | net |
retro- | backward, behind |
rhabd(o)- | rod |
rhag-, rheg- | rend, tear |
rhe- | flow |
rhetin- | resin |
rhig- | chill |
rhin(o)- | nose, snout |
rhiz- | root |
rho- | R, r |
rhod(o)- | rose, rosy color |
rhomb- | spinning top |
rhynch- | snout |
rid-, ris- | laugh |
robor- | oak, strength |
rod-, ros- | gnaw |
rog- | ask |
rostr- | beak, prow |
rot- | wheel |
ruber-, rubr- | red |
rudi- | unskilled, rough, unlearned |
rug- | wrinkle |
rumin- | throat |
rump-, rupt- | break, burst |
rur- | countryside, farm |
sacc- | bag |
sacchar- | sugar |
sacr-, -secr- | sacred |
sagac- | wise |
sagitt- | arrow |
sal- | salt |
sali-, salt-, -sili- | jump |
salic- | willow |
salping- | trumpet |
salu- | health, welfare |
salv- | save |
san- | healthy |
sanc- | holy |
sangui(n/ne)- | blood |
sapi-, -sipi- | taste, wise |
sapon- | soap |
sapphir- | a precious stone |
sapr(o)- | rotten, decaying |
sarc(o)- | flesh-like, muscular |
sarc- | tailor |
sati- | enough |
saur- | lizard, reptile |
sax- | rock |
scab- | scratch |
scal- | ladder, stairs |
scalen- | uneven |
scand-, scans-, -scend-, -scens- | climb |
scandal- | snare |
scap- | shaft |
scaph- | anything hollow, bowl, ship |
scapul(o)- | pertaining to the scapula |
scat- | dung |
sced- | sscatter |
scel- | leg, thigh |
scen- | booth, tent |
scept-, -scop- | look at, examine, view, observe |
schem- | plan |
schid- | split |
schist(o)- | split, cleft |
schiz(o)- | something split or double sided |
sci- | shade, shadow |
sci- | know |
scind-, sciss- | split |
scler(o)- | hard |
scolec- | worm |
scoli(o)- | crooked, twisted |
scombr- | mackerel |
scot(o)- | darkness |
scrib, -script- | write |
scrupl- | uneasiness |
sculp- | carve |
scut- | shield |
scyph- | cup |
se-, sed- | away, apart |
se-, sex- | six |
seb- | tallow |
sec-, sect-, seg- | cut |
secut-, sequi- | follow |
sed- | settle, calm |
sed-, sess-, -sid- | sit |
sedec- | ssixteen |
seget- | in cornfields |
sei- | shake |
selen- | moon |
sell- | saddle, seat |
sema- | sign |
semi- | half |
semin- | seed |
sen- | old man |
sen- | six each |
sens-, sent- | feel |
sep- | rot |
sept- | fence, partition, enclosure |
sept- | seven |
septen- | seven each |
septim- | seventh |
septuagen- | seventy each |
septuagesim- | seventieth |
septuagint- | severity |
ser- | silk |
ser- | sow |
ser- | attach, join |
ser- | whey |
ser- | late |
serp- | crawl, creep |
serr- | saw, saw-toothed |
serv- | save, protect, serve |
sesqui- | one and a half |
set- | bristle, hair |
sever- | stern, strict |
sex- | sexual |
sexagen- | sixty each |
sexagesim- | sixtieth |
sext- | sixth |
sial(o)- | saliva, salivary gland |
sibil- | hiss |
sicc- | dry |
sicy- | cucumber |
sider- | iron |
sider- | star |
sigm- | S, s |
sigmoid(o)- | sigmoid, S shaped curvature |
sign- | sign |
sil- | quiet or still |
silv-, sylv- | forest |
simi- | ape or monkey |
simil-, simul- | likeness, imitating |
sinap- | mustard |
singul- | one each |
sinistr(o)- | left |
sinu- | to draw a line |
sinus- | hollow, bay, pertaining to the sinus |
siop- | silencce |
siph- | tube |
sist- | cause to stand |
sit(o)- | food, grain, wheat |
siz- | hiss |
smaragd- | emerald |
smil- | carving knife |
soci- | group |
sol- | sun |
sol- | comfort, soothe |
sol- | alone, only |
sole- | accustomed |
solen- | channel, pipe |
solut-, solv- | loosen, set free |
soma(to/tico)- | body |
somn(o)- | sleep |
somni- | dream |
son- | sound |
soph- | wise |
sopor- | deep sleep |
sorb-, sorpt- | suck |
sord- | dirt |
soror- | sister |
spa- | draw, pull |
spad- | eunuch |
sparg-, spars-, -sperg-, -spers- | scatter, sprinkle |
spasmo- | spasm |
spath- | blade |
spati- | space |
spec-, spect-, -spic- | look |
speir-, spor- | sow |
spele- | cavern |
spelying- | cave |
spend-, spond- | pledge, promise |
sper- | hope |
sperm(a/ato/o)- | seed |
sphal- | cause to fall |
sphen- | wedge |
spher- | ball |
sphinct-, sping- | strangle |
sphondyl(o)- | vertbera |
sphrag- | seal |
sphyg- | pulse |
spic- | spike |
spin- | thorn |
spir- | breathe |
splen- | spleen |
spond-, spons- | a surety, guarantee given assurance, promise solemnly |
spondyl- | vertebra |
spu- , sput- | spew, spit |
squal- | scaly, dirty, filthy |
squam- | scale |
squamos(o)- | scaly |
squarros- | spreading at tips |
st- | cause to stand |
st- | stand |
stagn- | pool of standing water |
stala- | dripping, trickling |
stann- | tin |
staphyl- | bunch of grapes |
statu-, -stitu- | stand |
steat- | fat, tallow |
steg- | cover |
stell- | star |
stell-, stol- | send |
sten(o)- | narrow |
sten- | stand |
stere- | solid |
stern- | breastbone |
stern-, strat- | spread, strew |
steth- | (upper) chest \ |
sthen(o)- | strength, power, force |
stich- | line, row |
stich- | tunic |
stig- | mark, puncture |
still- | drip |
stimul- | goad, rouse, excite |
stin- | stand |
stinct-, stingu- | apart |
stoch- | alm |
stom- | mouth or any artificially created opening |
stor- | spread, strew |
strat- | army |
strepec- | noise |
streph-, strob-, stromb-, stroph- | turn |
strept | twisted |
strict-, string- | tight, upright, stiff |
strig- | compress |
strigos- | having stiff bristles |
stru-, struct- | to make up, build |
stud- | dedication |
stup- | wonder |
styg- | Styx |
styl- | column, pillar |
su-, sub-, suf-, sug-, sup-, sus- | below |
su-, sut- | sew |
suad-, suas- | urge |
suav- | sweet |
subter- | under |
sucr- | sugar |
sud- | sweat |
sui- | self |
sulc- | furrow |
sum- | sum |
sum-, sumpt- | take |
super- | above, over, excessive , superior |
supin- | lying back |
supra- | above, over, excessive |
surd- | deaf |
surg- | rise |
sy-, syg-, syl-, sym-, syn-, sys- | with |
sybar- | Sybaris |
syc- | fig |
syting- | pipe |
tac-, -tic- | be silent |
tach(y)- | swift |
tact-, tag-, tang-, -ting | touch |
taeni- | ribbon |
tag- | arrange, order |
tain-, ten-, tent-, -tin-, tinu- | hold, keep |
tal- | ankle |
tapet- | carpet |
tarac- | stir |
tard- | slow |
tars- | ankle |
taur- | bull |
tec- | melt |
tec-, toc- | childbirth |
techn- | art, skill |
tecn- | child |
tect-, teg- | cover |
tele- | far end |
tele- | complete |
tem-, tom- | cut |
temn-, tempt- | to cut |
tempor- | time |
ten-, ton- | stretch |
tend-, tens- | stretch, strain |
tenu- | slender, thin |
tep- | be warn |
ter-, trit- | rub wear |
terato- | monster |
tere- | guard |
teret- | rounded |
terg-, ters- | wipe |
termin- | boundary, limit, end |
tern- | three each |
terr- | earth |
terti- | third |
test- | witness |
tetan- | rigid, tense |
tetart- | fourth |
tetr- | four |
teuch- | make |
text-, text- | weave |
thalam- | chamber, bed |
thalass- | sea |
than- | death |
thaumat- | miracle |
the- | put |
the-, thus- | god |
thea- | view |
thel- | nipple |
thely- | feminine |
theori- | speculation |
ther- | beast, animal |
therap- | serve, treatment |
therm(o)- | heat, warm |
thig- | touch |
thorac(i/ico/o)- | chest |
throm(o)- | blood clot |
thym- | mood, emotion |
thyr(o)- | thyroid |
thyr- | door |
thyre- | large shield |
tim- | be afraid |
tinct-, ting- | dye, moisten |
toco- | childbirth |
tom- | cut |
ton- | stretch |
ton- | tone, pressure, tension |
top(o)- | place, topical |
top- | place, location |
torn- | turn, rotate |
torpe- | to be numb |
torqu-, tortIi) | twist |
tot- | all, whole |
tox(i/ico/o)- | arrow, bow, poison |
tra-, tran-, trans- | across |
trab- | beam |
trach- | rough |
trache(a) | trachea |
trachel(o) | neck |
trag- | he-goat |
trah-, tract- | draw, pull |
trapez- | four-legged table |
traum- | wound |
trecent- | three hundred |
trech-, troch- | run, wheel |
tredec- | thirteen |
treiskadek- | thirteen |
trem- | tremble |
trema- | hole |
trep-, trop- | turn |
treph-, troph- | feed, grow |
trepid- | tremble |
tri- | three |
trib-, tript- | rub |
tribu- | pay |
tricen- | thirty each |
tricesim-, trigesim- | thirtieth |
trich(i/ia/o)- | hair |
trin- | three each |
trit- | third |
tritic- | wheat |
troch- | wheel |
trop- | turn |
troph-, -trophy | feed, grow, nourishment |
truc- | fierce |
trud-, trus- | thrust |
trunc- | cut off |
tryp- | bore |
tum- | be swollen |
turb- | disturb |
tuss- | cough |
tymb- | mound |
tympan(o)- | drum, eardrum |
typ- | stamp, model |
typh- | smoke |
tyrann- | terrible tyrant |
uber- | fruitful, udder |
ul- | gums |
ul- | wooly |
uligin- | in marshes |
ultim- | farthest |
ultra- | beyond |
umbilic- | navel |
umbr- | shade, shadow |
un(i)- | one |
unc- | hook |
unci- | ounce, twelfth |
und- | wave |
undecim- | eleventh |
unden- | eleven each |
ungu(i)- | claw, hoof, nail |
ur- | tail |
ur- | urine |
uran- | heaven, sky |
urb- | city |
urg- | work |
urin- | pertaining to the urinary system |
urs- | bear |
us-, ut- | use |
uter(o)- | pertaining to the uterus or womb |
uv- | grape |
uxor- | wife |
vac- | empty |
vacc- | cow |
vacil- | waver |
vad-, vas- | go |
vag- | wander |
vagin- | vaginal |
val- | strength, worth |
van- | empty, vain, idle |
vap- | steam |
vari- | vary |
varic(o)- | swollen or twisted vein |
varic- | straddle |
vas(o)- | duct, blood vessel |
vasculo- | blood vessel |
vect-, veh- | carry |
vei- | veil |
vell-, vuls- | pull |
veloc- | quick |
ven- | vein |
ven- | poison |
ven- | hunt |
ven-, vent- | come |
vend- | sell |
vener- | respectful |
vent- | wind |
ventr(o)- | belly, stomach cavity |
ventricul(o) | pertaining to the ventricles |
ver- | true |
verb- | word |
verber- | whim |
verm- | wworm |
vern- | spring |
vers-, vert- | turn |
vesic(o)- | bladder |
vesper- | evening, western |
vest- | clothing, garment |
vestig- | track |
vet- | forbid |
veter- | old |
vi- | way |
vic- | change |
vicen-, vigen- | twenty each |
vicesim-, vigesim- | twentieth |
vid-, vis- | see |
vigil- | watchful |
vil- | cheap |
vill- | country house |
vill- | shaggy hair |
vin- | wine |
vinc-, vict- | conquer |
vir- | man |
vir- | green |
vir- | poison, venom |
virg- | rod, twig |
virgin- | maiden |
visc- | thick |
viscer(o)- | internal organ |
vit- | life |
vitell- | yolk |
viti- | fault |
vitr- | glass |
viv- | life |
voc- | call, voice |
vol- | fly |
vol- | will |
volut-, volv- | roll |
vom- | discharge |
vor-, vorac- | swallow |
vot-, vov | vow |
vulg- | crowd |
vulner- | wound |
vulp- | fox |
xanth(o)- | havving a yellow color |
xe- | scrape, shave |
xei-, xi- | ks |
xen(o)- | foreign, different |
xer- | dry, desert like |
xiph- | sword |
xyl- | wood |
ze- | boil (as in skin condition) |
zel- | jealousy, zeal |
zephyr- | west wind |
zet- | Z, z |
zete- | seek |
zizpyh- | jujube |
zo- | animal, living being |
zon- | belt, girdle |
zyg- | yoke |
zym(o)- | ferment, fermentation |