• Without an organizational system for your ideas, you’ll always struggle to make them happen. The key is to use Design-centric principles to motivate oneself throughout the creative process

  • The Bullet Journal Method is built upon Tracking the Past; Organizing the Present; Planning The Future. It posits three questions

    • Is this vital?
    • Does it matter?
    • What would happen if I didn’t do this?
  • Use a Second Brain. The idea is to dump all of your knowledge into a repository and then organize bits of knowledge by finding connections between them.

  • The Action Method. All projects can be reduced to these three components (see more here).

    • Action Steps - the specific concrete tasks that let you make progress, even if it’s a little progress.
    • References - any project-related documents you may wish to refer back to. They are not actionable but they serve as good references.
    • Backburner Ideas - things that are not actionable now but may be someday.
  • Say no to everything not aligned with your essential priorities. Prioritize what is important over what is urgent.

  • When brainstorming, just focus on the idea and let the ideas flow.
