- The process of Software Construction requires planning and preparation.
Rules of Thumb
- Measure twice; Cut once especially when constructing large, complex software
- Detect defects as early as possible. This reduces defect correction costs.
- Pareto principle applies: There are two approachehs:
- Specify 80% of the requirements up front, allocate time for additional requirements, and then practice systematic change control to accept only the most valuable new requirements as the project progresses
- Specify the most important 20% of the requirements up front and develop the rest in small increments.
- Choose between Iterative and Sequential approaches with the following in mind
Iterative | Sequential |
Requirements are not well understood or unstable | Stable requirements |
Complex design | Straightforward and well-understood design |
Development team is unfamiliar with the applications area | Development team is familiar with the domain |
High-risk project | Low-risk project |
Long-term predictability is not important | Long-term predictability is important |
The cost of downstream changes is likely to be low | The cost of downstream changes is likely to be high |
- Iterative approaches tend to be preferred since the typical project is complex. However, note Iterative approaches tend to reduce the impact of inadequate upstream work, but they don’t eliminate it
- Spend about 10-20% of the effort and 20-30% of the schedule to requirements, architecture, and up-front planning. However, bottom line: Allow time for defining the requirements. For volatile requirements, the requirements can sometimes be their own project
- Always rationalize design decisions. Preferably, present alternatives and explain why they were not considered.
- During construction, this gives insight into the design decisions of the architect.
- Present the objectives of the architecture.
- A good architecture should fit the problem. When you look at the architecture, you should be pleased by how natural and easy the solution seems.
- Good software architecture is largely machine- and language-independent
- The architecture should tread the line between underspecifying and overspecifying the system
- The overarching goal of preparation is risk reduction: a good project planner clears major risks out of the way as early as possible so that the bulk of the project can proceed as smoothly as possible
- The importance of upstream planning is as follows
- Planning means understanding what you want to build so that you don’t waste money building the wrong thing.
- If you are planning a highly iterative project, you will need to identify the critical requirements and architectural elements that apply to each piece you’re constructing before you begin construction.
- It pays to do things right the first time. Unnecessary changes are expensive. Since requirements are done first, requirements defects have the potential to be in the system longer and to be more expensive.
Problem Definition Prerequisite - a clear statement of the problem that the system is supposed to solve.
- The problem statement should not reference any solution.
- The problem statement should be described from a user’s point of view (unless the problem is of a technical nature)
- Defining the wrong problem means wasting time solving the wrong problem
Requirements Prerequisite - a statement of what the software system is supposed to do.
- Explicit requirements help to ensure that the user rather than the programmer drives the system’s functionality. We don’t have to guess what the user wants.
- Explicit requirements is the ground source of truth regarding what the program is supposed to do.
- Having explicit requirements minimizes the number of changes to the system (and therefore the cost of changing them)
- The development process helps customers better understand their own needs, and this is a major source of requirements changes . Here are some ways to handle requirements changes
- Assess the quality of your requirements (see Requirements Checklist)
- Make sure everyone knows the cost of requirements changes (esp. the client)
- Establish a formal change-control procedure so that the customer does not frequently change the requirements (as a bonus, the customer is assured that their input is considered)
- Use short development cycles to respond to your users quickly.
- Dump the project if requirements are too volatile.
- Evaluate the added business value of each requirement.
- Defining the wrong requirements means that you might’ve missed important details of the problem .
Architecture Prerequisite - a document detailing the design constraints that apply system-wide or at the subsystem level.
- The quality of the architecture determines the conceptual integrity of the system.
- Architectural changes are expensive to make during construction or later.
- Defining the wrong architectural design might mean you are solving the problem the wrong way
Architecture Considerations
- Program Organization - an overview describing the system in broad terms.
- The architecture should define the major building blocks in a program. Each building block should have a specific responsibility.
- The communication rules for each building block should be well defined
- Major Classes - the architecture specifies the major classes and how each class interacts with each other.
- Data Design - describe the major files and table designs to be used. The architecture should specify the high-level organization and contents of any databases used.
- Business Rules - describe the business rules the architecture depends on.
- User Interface Design - the UX and UI is specified either in the requirements phase or architecture phase
- Separate UI from the rest of the code to allow substitution with other UI layouts.
- Resource Management - The architecture should describe a plan for managing scarce resources such as database connections, threads, memory, and handles. This includes estimates for typical usage.
- Security - the architecture describes its approach to security.
- Performance - performance goals should be specified if it is a concern. Include performance estimates .
- Scalability - can the system grow and if so, how? If not, specify that the system will not grow
- Interoperability - the architecture should describe how the system will share data with other software or hardware.
- Localization - especially for interactive systems, will the system support different locales?
- Input/Output - the architecture should specify the level at which I/O errors are detected.
- Error Processing - specify a strategy for error handling in the architecture.
- Is the error processing corrective (it recovers from the errors) or detective (will the program continue as if nothing happened or quit)
- Is it active (it anticipates errors) or passive (it responds only when it can’t avoid them)?
- How do error propagate.
- What are the conventions for handling error messages.
- How will exceptions be handled? Where can exceptions be thrown and how will they be caught, logged and documented.
- At what level are errors handled?
- What is the level of responsibility of each class for validating its input data?
- Do you build your own exception-handling mechanism.
- Fault Tolerance - indicate the level of fault tolerance — the ability to detect errors, recover from them if possible, and containing their effects if not
- Architectural Feasibility - can the architecture support the designed system? Can the architecture’s limitations be mitigated?
- Overengineering - should programmers overengineer or do the simplest thing that works? This makes the system uniformly robust.
- Buy vs Build - can some components be bought from other sources? Why or why not?
- Reuse Decisions - can reused software be made to conform to the other architectural goals if at all.
- Change Strategy - how will the architecture handle changes?
Construction Decisions
- Consider the programming language to be used.
- Programmers are more productive using a familiar language than an unfamiliar one
- Programmers working with high-level languages achieve better productivity and quality than those working with lower-level languages
- Consider programming conventions
- It reduces cognitive load when reading and writing the code.
- Consider your location in the technology wave.
- If you’re in the late part of the wave, you can plan to spend most of your day steadily writing new functionality.
- If you’re in the early part of the wave, you can assume that you’ll spend a sizeable portion of your time trying to figure out your programming language
- Your programming tools don’t have to determine how you think about programming. Programming conventions should be language independent.
- Code Complete by McConnell - Ch. 3, 4
- Ch. 3 - Requirements Checklist
- Ch. 3 - Architecture Checklist
- Ch. 4 - Major Construction Practices Checklist