• Aka: Wrapper
  • Intent: Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically, providing a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality.


Image from: Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vissides


  • Add responsibilities to individual objects dynamically and transparently without affecting other objects.
  • Add responsibilities that can be withdrawn.
  • Extension by subclassing would result in complex class hierarchies or would be impractical.


  • More flexible than static inheritance
  • Avoids feature-laden classes high up in the hierarchy, making super classes simpler.
  • A decorator and its component aren’t identical. Don’t rely on object identity.
  • Lots of little objects, making debugging hard


Interface conformance:

  • A decorator’s interface must conform to the interface of what it decorates.

Lightweight classes

  • There is no need to define an abstract decorator class when there is only one responsibility to be added
  • Focus on defining the component (the parent of decorators and components it decorates) interface.

Decorators vs Strategy:

  • Strategies are better for heavyweight Components.
  • Strategies require modifying components for extensions.