A trie is a
-ary search tree for performing key (often strings) searches within a set All children of a node have a common prefix associated with their parent node. The root of the tree is associated with the empty string.
- Key lookup is achieved in
time where is the maximum key length.
- Key lookup is achieved in
A radix tree is a compressed trie wherein nodes with only one child get merged with their parents. This reduces the space complexity of storing the tree and time complexity of key search.
- This is ideal if keys are static and sparse within the key space.
Suffix Trees
A suffix tree is a compact trie of all suffixes of a given text as their keys and positions in the text as their values.
More specifically, the suffix tree for the string
of length is defined such that the following hold: - The tree has exactly
leaves numbered to . - Every internal node except for the root has at least two children.
- Each edge is labelled with a non-empty substring of
- No two edges starting out of a node can have string labels beginning with the same character.
- The string obtained by concatenating string labels found on the path from the root to leaf
spells the suffix
- The tree has exactly
is typically padded with a special end of string character so that no suffix of is also the prefix of another. -
Sometimes we may use suffix links during construction such that
- All internal nodes have a suffix link to another internal node.
- If the path from the root to a node, spells
where is a single character and is a possibly empty string, it has a suffix link to the internal node representing . - (Farach 1.1) such a suffix link is guaranteed to exist. For nodes that spell
, there is always a node in the suffix tree that spells
- (Farach 1.1) such a suffix link is guaranteed to exist. For nodes that spell
The suffix tree satisfies the following properties.
- It allows for a linear time solution to the longest common substring problem.
- The cost to the time speed ups provided by suffix trees is added space complexity.
The suffix tree can be constructed in
time. - For general alphabets, assuming each edge is lexicographically sorted, the construction is bound by
. With linear construction, the bound becomes exactly , where is the number of distinct characters.
- For general alphabets, assuming each edge is lexicographically sorted, the construction is bound by