- A min/max-heap is a data structure that obeys the min-heap property — the key of a node is greater than or equal to / less than or equal to the key of its parent.
Mergeable Heap
A mergeable heap is any data structure that supports the following operations
- create and return a heap with no elementINSERT
inserts an elementwhose key has already been filled in, into heap . MINIMUM
returns the pointer to the element inwhose key is minimum EXTRACT-MIN
- delete the minimum element and return a pointer to it.UNION
- return a new heap that contains all the elements of the input heaps. Both input heaps are destroyed.
Mergeable heap operations are lazy and defer work as late as possible.
Fibonacci Heap
A Fibonacci Heap also supports the following
assigns to elementwithin heap the new key value which is no greater than the current key value. DELETE
deletes elementfrom heap .
More formally, a Fibonacci heap is a collection of rooted Tree where each tree obeys the min-heap property.
- All nodes in the tree are, ideally, linked together in a circular, doubly linked list.
- All nodes keep track of their degree and whether or not they are marked. A node is marked if it lost a child since the last time they were made the child of another node.
- The roots of all trees in a Fibonacci heap are linked together into a circular doubly linked list referred to as the root list
Fibonacci heaps have good amortized asymptotic time bounds.
taketime. The other operations take . -
The asymptotic bounds are dependent on the maximum degree
. -
If we only use the regular mergeable heap operations, we have that
. If we include
, we have.
Fibonacci heaps are desirable when we rarely
. In practice, however, the complexity they have make them less desirable than ordinary heaps. -
is found by maintaining a pointer to the root containing the minimum key. This pointer is updated during other operations -
operation concatenates the root lists of two heaps together, and sets theMINIMUM
as the smaller of the two heaps. -
operation involves a node being appended to the root list. -
works in three phases.-
The root containing the minimum element is removed and each of its
children becomes a new root. -
There may be up to
roots. Successively link roots of the same degree while maintaining the min-heap property (make the one with the larger key the child of the other). Repeat until all nodes have a different degree. Use an array of length
which maintains a list of pointers to one root of each degree. Link two roots if they have the same degree.
Update the
works using cascading cuts.- First, if decreasing a key violates the min-heap property, cut it from the parent and update the minimum pointer if needed.
- Start from the parent of
. As long as the current node is marked, cut it from the parent and make an unmarked root. - Stop when we reach an unmarked node
. If is not a root, it is marked.
(CLRS 19.1) Let
be any node in a Fibonacci heap, and suppose . Let be the children of in the order they were linked. Then and for . 7. -
(CLRS 19.4) Let
be any node in a Fibonacci heap and . Then where is the -th Fibonacci number and is the golden ratio
van Emde Boas Tree
Supports the set operations of heaps in
time provided that the keys are integers in the range with no duplicates, where denotes the size of the universe. -
We make use of a summary array structure to store whether or not an array contains a particular key. The summary array contains a
of and only if the subarray contains a -
The key idea is to recursively use the summary array structure such that a new summary array encodes the one at the previous level of recursion. At the
-th level the size of the universe is - The
arises because we start with needing bits to encode the first summary array. Then at each level we reduce this number by half.
- The
More formally, the van Emde Boas tree or vEB tree for a universe of size
is denoted . - If
, then it is the base size and we can store an array of two bits. - Otherwise, in addition to the universe size
, the data structure contains - A summary array structure which is a
tree. It keeps track of which children are non-empty. - An array cluster of
pointers, each to a structure.
- A summary array structure which is a
- If
Data is stored as follows.
- The smallest and largest values are stored in
respectively. - Any value
is stored in the subtree T.children[i]
, where.
- The smallest and largest values are stored in
van Emde Boas Trees do not have optimal memory. For an
bit integer, it requires bits of storage.
- CLRS - Ch. 19, 20