
  • In a 32-bit system, we may have 32 integer registers and 32 floating-point register.

Integer registers

| Register Name | ABI | Name | Description | Saved by Calle- | |---|---|---|---| | x0 | zero | Always Zero | | | x1 | ra | Return address | R | | x2 | sp | Stack Pointer | E | | x3 | gp | Global pointer | | | x4 | tp | Thread pointer | | | x5 | t0 | Temporary / Alternate Return Address | R | | x6 - x7 | t1 - t2 | Temporary | R | | x8 | s0 / fp | Saved register / Frame Pointer | E | | x9 | s1 | Saved Register | E | | x10 - x11 | a0 - a1 | Function argument / return value | R | | x12 - x17 | a2 - a7 | Function argument | R | | x18 - x27 | s2 - s11 | Saved Register | E | | x28 - x31 | t3 - t6 | Temporary | R |

  • Always Zero is Hardwired to always be zero. Any value moved to this register is discarded and zero outputted in its place.

Floating point registers

Register NameABI NameDescriptionOwner
f0 - f7ft0-7TemporariesR
f8 - f9fs0-1Saved RegistersE
f10 - f11fa0-1Arguments / Return valuesR
f12 - f17fa2-7ArgumentsR
f18 - f27fs2-11Saved RegistersE
f28 - f31ft8-11TemporariesR
  • Note: We have multiple registers for return values in ode to support returning 64-bit values.
  • We reserve register a7 typically for I/O (i.e., how to render output).


  • All variables are declared in .data
.byte8 bit integer
.half16-bit integer
.word32-bit integer
.dword64-bit integer
.float32-bit single precision floating point
.double64-bit double precision floating point
.ascizstring with null terminator
  • All memory locations are viewed as 1 byte with Little Endian ordering and 32-bit words for a 32-bit system.
  • Memory is used for composite data such as arrays and structures

Addressing Modes

  • Immediate Addressing - generate a memory address by looking at the value of the immediate specified in the instruction
  • Register Addressing - use the value stored in register as a memory address
  • Base Addressing - add an immediate to a register value to create a memory address.
  • PC-relative addressing - add an immediate to the program counter.


  • A complete instruction set is found here. Pseudo-instructions here.
  • Some additional standards to look out for: Multiplication, Division, and Floating Point.

Instruction Types

  • R-type
funct7 | rs2 | rs1 | funct3 | rd | opcode
  7    |  5  |  5  |   3    |  5 |   7     
  • I-type
immediate | rs1 | funct3 | rd | opcode | 
   12     |  5  |    3   | 5  |   7    |
  • S-type*
imm(11:5) | rs2 | rs1 | funct3 | imm(4:0) | opcode
    7     |  5  |  5  |   3   |     5     |    7  
  • Shift Type*
funct6   |   immed   | rs1  | funct3 | rd | opcode 
   6     | 6 sign ext. | 5  |   3    |  5 |    7

Procedure Calling

In order to call a procedure using RISC-V we need to do the following

  1. Place the parameters in the a0 to a7 registers. This is to ensure that we do not lose any parameters.
  2. Transfer control to the procedure. We do this using the JAL and the JALR instructions.
  3. Acquire storage for procedure
  4. Perform the procedure
  5. Place the result in register for caller
  6. Return to the address of the caller (i.e., the address in ra)
