• The Belief Desire Intention Model is a model for agent programming where agents have

    • Beliefs - the informational state of the agent, including rules and heuristics that it has.
    • Desires - the objectives or goals of the agent.
    • Intentions - the actions that the agents have chosen to do. This presupposes planning.
  • Events in the system modify the agent’s beliefs, plans, and goals.

  • Optionally, agents may have Obligationsnorms and commitments

  • The BDI architecture also provides three behavior structures

    • Perception - the agents can perceive their environment and update their beliefs accordingly.
    • Rule - a function to infer new desires or beliefs from the current desire and beliefs.
    • Plans - behaviors used to accomplish specific intentions.
  • The general pipeline for behavior is as follows

    • Execute perceptions
    • Execute rules.
    • Check if the current intention is achieved
      • If an intention is achieved, set the current plan to NULL and remove it from the intention base
      • If the achieved intention’s super-intention is on hold, it is reactivated.
    • Check if the current intention is to be kept.
    • Check for a plan
      • If there is a plan, execute it.
      • If the plan has been persistent for a while, drop it with a certain probability and formulate a new plan later.
    • Check for desires.
      • If the current intention is on hold, choose a desire as a new intention.
    • Choose a plan as a new current plan. Preferably, choose the plan with highest priority
    • Execute the plan.
    • Check if the plan was finished.
