- “Most Formidable Lord and Master of the Encyclopedia Britannica”.
- First recorded person to have read the whole encyclopedia.
- Last Indian Man.
- A controversial bishop who held views of ordaining women and racial desegregation in churches.
- Died near the Dead Sea while walking the desert.
- The most famous example of the bystander effect — murdered simply because good people failed to call the police.
- Enacted revenge on the tribe who killed her husband (the former regent).
- Part of the revenge plot involved burning a city using pigeons from within the city that were coated in sulphur
- “Mike Hoare”. Glamorized the mercenary trade.
- Had a role in the Simba rebellion in Seychelles
- Had a role in staging a coup, was arrested however.
- “I dreamt that I had done it. I awoke to find it true”
- Cut himself while asleep.
[Amou Haji](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amou_Haji#:~:text=Amou%20Haji%20(Persian%3A%20عمو%20حاجى,for%20more%20than%2060%20years.)
- World’s Dirtiest Man.