• Lonomia obliqua is the deadliest caterpillar due to its urticating seate. The setae essentially act like hypodermic needles which injects a venom that causes internal bleeding.

  • Bees have some displays of intelligence ranging from knowing basic arithmetic to learning by imitation.

    • They can also tell distances through optical flow which involves judging the rate at which the ground beneath them appears to move. This is why bees die when underneath still water because they cannot tell the distance they have travelled.
    • They can communicate information through “vibrations”. They can convey location quality and distance based on the duration of these vibrations.
  • Pigeons have their own remarkable traits

    • They have complex mating rituals and social networks.
    • They can recognize other pigeons, although the essential feature is the beak. They ignore the actual anatomy of a pigeon so even if the body parts are jumbled up, they will recognize it as a pigeon.
    • They can be trained for pattern recognition tasks.
  • Aphid colonies mostly consist of asexually-produced clone sisters which are easily replaced. The aphids on the edge of a cluster will sit there and allow predators to pick them off without resistance, essentially serving as living shields for their siblings at the center of the colony.

  • Shipworms

  • Parasitoid Wasps

  • Mud Dauber - their nests are particularly interesting. Crack them open and they may house spiders.

  • Coral Toxins can melt your eyeballs

  • Penguin, Depressed. When sad, penguins will just wander on their own willingly — as if starving themselves.

  • Pine Processionaries - caterpillars which form lines or processions when migrating from their nest.


  • zefrank - has a fantastic series of videos about specific animals delivered in both educational and entertaining fashion.
  • Bizarre Beasts